
Saturday, January 21, 2012

Saturday Shout Outs!

Greetings from Tampa, and welcome to another edition of my Saturday Shout Outs!  I am so glad you have stopped by to enjoy some good news and read about some special people.  In a world dominated by stories about people named Mitt and Newt, I can promise that you have arrived in a very happy place!  Now on with the news!

  • Congratulation to Nate (FUMC-K) and Amanda Hill on the birth of their daughter Lucy on January 12.  This couple is very special to me, having officiated over the wedding a few years back.  I am sure that first time grandparents Vic & Kay Hill are just beside themselves.  Welcome to the world, Lucy!
  • Happy 26th birthday today to Jennifer Gastler (Wesley Memorial)!  I know your mom is coming to Tampa and that your family will celebrate in style.  Has WOB been warned?  :)
  • Ashley Goad Broadhurst (Springfield Friends Meeting) still has another week left on her current mission trip to Haiti, so keep her and her team in your prayers.  You can also lift up her mom, Jan, whom I have talked to several times this week and who is always on edge while Ashley is away.  It is always so great to be in touch with old friends.
  • My family is having lunch tomorrow with Jennifer Minnigan Kuramaochi (FUMC-K) and hubby Jun at Red Robin right after church. Yum!  :)
  • My Twitter friends Kevin & Christie Weatherby had a really rough week at their home in Colorado.  I won't share the details, but just ask that you join me in praying for protection over their home and family.  Thanks gang!
  • I got to take a rare road trip last Monday with Marilyn, Will and Lisa Jewett (Wesley Memorial)  over to Downtown Disney and we had a really fun day.  Yay for me!  
  • My world was turned upside down last week when one of my oldest friends, Carl Semmler (New Garden Friends when we were the youth!) sent me an email containing the MP3 of a song from a band called Storyhill.  I opened it with great trepidation, and much to my surprise it was REALLY good!  Carl is not known for his musical taste.  :)  Google them and give them a listen.  It's good, folksy music.  Thanks, Carl!
  • I have a series of guest posts coming up here on the blog in early February on the topic of My Best Day in Ministry.  Among those who are sharing are old friends like Darin Miller (FUMC-K) and Lisa Ramos Moran (another very old friend from my youth group days!).  Also on board are some great Twitter friends, including Jason Huffman.  It's not too late for you to be part of the series- do you hear me Teresa Reep Tysinger, Tammy Doggett Foster and Denise May Langley?  :)    Just give me a shout and I will give you a date!
  • Just a reminder- I would love to be sharing texts with all of you.  Email me your number and we'll get the conversations started!
  • And finally, a reminder to all of my Tampa friends that you can join Marilyn, Lisa and I for Taco Tuesdays every Tuesday night around 7 PM at Tijuana Flats in Westchase.  The chocolate chip cookie dough flautas are on me....
So that's it for now.  Be sure and leave a comment just to let me know you stopped by- it makes my day to know who reads these posts.  Hope you all have a blessed weekend.  I know so many who are struggling in so many areas of life, and please know I am praying for you and that no matter how alone you may sometimes feel, as the Stellar Kart song says "you've got me and Jesus."  Take care!

Because of Jesus,


  1. Holla! Back atcha, my friend.

  2. Teresa, you make me smile!!! (just like you use to 15 years ago!!)

  3. 15 years ago? Wow, you 2 are getting old! LOL Love you both!

  4. Who are you calling old, geezer? :)

  5. Geezer? I am deeply hurt. :)


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