
Thursday, January 5, 2012

Bloggers You Should Know

Welcome to Comment Day!  The concept is simple- read all of the blog posts you can and leave a comment on every post you read.  The idea is that at least one day a month we take time to encourage the wonderful writers we so often take for granted.  In case you are not much of a blog reader, today I want to share with you links to some of the blogs I read on a regular basis.  Some of these bloggers are old friends, others are folks I have met through this blog and through Twitter.  The list is not exhaustive, but it gives you some places to start.  Just click and go comment. It's as simple as that!  :)

People blog for different reasons.  Some want to share their lives and their struggles.  Others blog about faith.  Still others blog about specific things like Disney, food, youth ministry or sports.  Here on my blog, you just never know what I might write about, but I always write with the intention of letting the love of God whose name is Jesus shine through.  Often my mind wanders a bit, and I get off task...  For instance, today I have one important question that I hope someone can help me with.  Why - with all of the really crappy shows on TV - is Cougar Town still not back from hiatus?  The show may have the worst and most misleading name on television, but it is hilarious and full of great characters.  In the big picture of life this question doesn't matter even a little bit, but nonetheless I want Cougar Town back on Wednesday nights after Modern Family.  Get your act together, ABC!!!  And now, here are some bloggers I hope you will really like!

Andrea Ward
Kevin Weatherby
Amy Nabors
Jennifer Kuramochi
Tom Zalatnai
Jennifer Eckert
Beth Green
Brook Teoli Phelps
Gavin Richardson
Heather Campbell
Eric Hendrickson
Kimberley Mills
Krystle Singleton
Laura Godwin
Marie Allen (New blogger, great old friend!)
Christie Weatherby
Sam Lassiter
Ashley Goad Broadhurst 
Jason Huffman 
D. Marie
Tracee Persiko
Non-Stop Mom
J. Brent Bill
Cooking With Mickey
Rachel Held Evans
Jon Acuff 

Now get out there, read, leave comments and have a blast!  I'm going to leave at least 50 comments today; catch me if you can!!!  Have a blessed day, friends!

Because of Jesus, 


  1. I love Jen Hatmaker's blog. It's not about youth work but it's a great read. I'll have to get more prolific in my writing, maybe one day can make your list! :)

  2. Shae, I so appreciate your blog and what you do to encourage youth workers! I will have to check out Jen's blog; I was not aware of it. Thanks for sharing!

  3. Yay for Comment Day! Thanks for providing us with a great blog, and for giving me a great friendship! Love you!

  4. Anonymous1/05/2012

    Thanks for the blog shoutout. Now to find other blogs to comment on.

  5. Thank you so much for including me Carl! I am so grateful for your encouragement.

  6. Teresa, you know that your encouragement and friendship keeps me afloat many a day! I love you too! And Jennifer and Amy, you ladies are constant sources of inspiration. Thanks for stopping by!

  7. I just heard about Comment Day. I am so excited about it. Thanks for doing this!

  8. Glad to have you on board, Andrea!

  9. Oh cool, I made it onto this list! Now I feel special :D Thanks Carl! *runs off to read blogs and leave comments*

  10. Cougar Town? Really? Though since I now watch Toddlers and Tiaras with my wife, I guess I can't really say anything. :)

    Happy #CommentDay!

  11. Yes Christopher. Cougar Town. But since you gave me the idea, it is because my wife makes me watch it... LOL

  12. Carl, Cougar Town, Really? Well I can't say much, just like Christopher I have on occasion been sucked into the vortex known as TLC reality shows. "My Big Fat Gypsy Wedding", anyone?

  13. I agree with Jen.... Cougar Town??? lol. Anyways, I hope you find SOMETHING 'good' to watch on TV soon. Thanks for putting my blog out there, you're awesome!

  14. Anonymous1/05/2012

    While looking for icebreakers for an upcoming event with my work, I just re-lived some very fun icebreakers we use to do in the youth group (two truths and a lie, stinger (the one where you shake hands with people and the one who's "it" wiggles their finger during the handshake), and do you love your neighbor). Thanks for all the youth group fun and wonderful memories!!

  15. That is awesome, Lauren! It's always fun to know that even the silly stuff we did still has some use later in life! Happy New Year to you and Brad!

  16. And Kim and Jen, the Cougar Town abuse must stop! LOL

  17. Anonymous1/05/2012

    This is a wonderful concept Carl! You and your blog rock!

  18. I've whipped and spurred all day trying to catch you. I don't think I have a long enough rope.

    You, sir, are an inspiration to me.

    Of all the readers I had on my dirty cowboy post, you were the only one that got what I was getting at. And for that, I say, "Thank you for being you."

  19. Thanks, Kevin for the kind words and for the support and grace you and Christie showed me when it would have been easy to say "just let that one go." Blessings, my friend!

  20. For someone who just started blogging merely as a means to openly journal, comments are foreign to me. Still working on just the building the blog aspect.

  21. Hey, thanks for the shout out! Also, I would like to recommend a blog to you! It is the "Intentional Christian Living" blog by Jason Ashcraft. He is a fairly new blogger and accepts comments on his posts. :) Happy blogging. :)

    Much love to you and your family!

  22. Oops, I forgot to leave a link for the "Intentional Christian Living" blog!/cover

  23. Okay, it took me two days! but I did go visit all the blogs you mentioned above and left some comment love. :) Think I'll hop offline now and go run around outside (run some errands, hit the park, etc.) for a little bit. :) I'll catch everyone in the blogosphere later. :)


Thanks for reading,and thanks for your comment!