
Monday, December 12, 2011

Casting Call: The Movie of My Life

The following is an experimental blog post that is almost certain to fail.  Instead of me telling stories or offering opinions, it requires your participation.  If you don't play along, I've got nothing.  It may well be a waste of time.  But I'm in a goofy mood, so here's goes nothing...

I was talking with an old friend about silly things last week, and we began to discuss which actors we would like to play us if they ever made movies about our lives. As we talked about such a film she flattered me with the suggestion that I should be played by Steve Martin.  What a wonderful choice!  Steve is funny, handsome, musical, multi-talented and he has gray hair.  I am...uh...I also have gray hair.  I can see how she would think he was perfect for the role!  We discussed a couple of other folks who would be in the movie, including my former intern Jerry Hanbery, and she brilliantly suggested he could played by Jason Segal.  It was a pitch-perfect casting decision.  She also liked my choice for her, but I will leave the revelation of that secret bit of casting up to her!

So I began thinking- which in my case never leads to anything good!  All of you - my fearless readers- are a part of my life and would deserve at least a cameo in Carl: The Movie.  Who would you choose to play yourself or others you know who have been a part of my life?  If you go as far back as New Garden or Quaker Lake, I'd love to hear from you.  If you are from my Springfield years, who would you cast as folks like Charles Freedle, Amy Simmons or Ashley Goad (and no fair casting Tigger as Ashley!)? Or for my Kissimmee friends, who should play Todd Willis, Ben Thompson or Colleen Martin?  If you were part of the youth family at Wesley Memorial UMC here in Tampa, then perhaps you have suggestions for casting great people like Nina Mock or Zach Wehr.  If you are a member of my Twitter posse then you can nominate actors to play Angie Battle, Christie WeatherbyJason Huffman - or yourself!  Perhaps you have suggestions as to who should play Marilyn, Will or any of the many other important people in my life.  Remember, it's not about who looks the most like my friends and family; it's about who you feel gives off the right "vibe" and attitude.  Also, if you just want to be funny with your suggestions, that's cool too!  :)

So here's your assignment.  Think about who is the right choice to play you (or me or anyone else for that matter!) and leave your suggestions in comment form, email me or text me.  This is an exercise in total silliness, but it reflects my mood today- so just do it!  I look forward to what will no doubt be well thought out and deeply intellectual suggestions.  :)  This movie is going to make big dollar.  Yes- dollar.  Hope you all have a great Monday.

Because of Jesus,


  1. First email suggestion comes from David Hobson in NC and is seriously old school. Paul Newman to play Wallace Sills. A slam dunk choice!

  2. The suggestions have started rolling in now. Zooey Deschanel to play Colleen Martin. Zach Galifianakis to play Josh Fry. Heather Morris (Brittany on GLEE) as Jill Gilbreth. Sorry, JillyBean! :)

  3. Anonymous12/12/2011

    I think that Marilyn should be played by that girl that is on the other show. You know which one. LOL

  4. So then who plays you, oh Anonymous one? Perhaps the girl who plays Bernadette on TBBT, because you are both so short? :) And I know you think Will should be played by Wolf Boy (aka Taylor Lautner)just because you know how mad that would make him. I agree. Wolf Boy it is!

  5. This just in from my Twitter friends... The role of Angie Battle will be played by Renee Zellweger. Jason Huffman will do "all riiight" when played by Matthew McConaughey. Tom Zalatnai wants either Joel McHale or Cory Monteith to play him. And Dave Pettengill says he thinks Matt Damon, because he needs Jason Bourne's skills to escape an upcoming lock in! Who's next?

  6. Anonymous12/12/2011

    love love love the choice for colleen :)


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