
Saturday, November 19, 2011

Saturday Shout Outs!

It's time for the pre-Thanksgiving edition of Saturday Shout Outs! We've got lots of ground to cover, but before I get started I would like to again say how blessed I am to have so many folks who read this blog and tell me how much they enjoy it on a regular basis. I am honored!  Now on with the show...

  • It is a moral imperative that you all get out and see The Muppet Movie next weekend.  Show the world that great family movies can make money, and that felt covered puppets are better than computer generated aliens and pasty vampires.  Just an opinion.  BTW- this Kermit lives in our house! :) 
  • My Mom and Marilyn's sister Carol (along with her hubby Bill) are going to be with us here in Tampa all next week for the holiday.  We're excited to have the company, which raise the following question:  When are YOU coming down? :)
  • I had lunch again this past Thursday with Stephanie Greife Owens (Wesley Memorial UMC).  As always the conversation and the company were great.  Love you Stephie! 
  • I am truly sorry I can't be in Greensboro, NC next weekend.  First, on Thanksgiving Day Teresa Reep Tysinger (FUMC-Kissimmee) is going to be walking a 5K race, and I would love to be there to taunt her from the sidelines.  Then on Friday night there is a party of a group of some of my favorite people in the world- the youth group I grew up in!  Steve Semmler, Carl Semmler, Andy Maynard, Beth McGalliard, Tammy Foster and who knows who else are getting together, and I hate to miss it.  Someday soon I'll be back up there.  That's a promise!
  • Jennifer Minnigan Kuramochi (FUMC-K) has started her own blog!  You can read "all about Bob" by visiting  Go now!
  • Many of my favorite people and Twitter friends are gathered in Atlanta right now at the National Youth Workers Convention.  I really miss those amazing events.  Pardon me while I pout....
  • Congratulations to the Page High School Pirates (Greensboro, NC) on a big come from behind win in the against the defending state champions in the football playoffs last night! Head Coach Kevin Gillespie and his wife Andi Brooks Gillespie along with assistant coach Jeremy Godwin (all Springfield Friends TNT folks!) are undefeated and headed towards the state finals.  Co Pirates!  Arrrrrgggggg!
  • Twitter is an wonderful thing.  Every day I am blessed through communicating with a family of friends (way too many to mention) that I continue to grow closer to...but for the most part have never met.  Plus it's a great way to harass old friends (Am I right Ashley, Brook, Jamie and Jackie?) as well.  If you tweet and we aren't connected, follow me @youthguy07.  It's very cool!
  • Marching Band season is finally over for Will, so our house returns to some semblance of normalcy- just in time for the holiday season.  It's just exhausting!  
  • I believe most every situation in life corresponds to a moment for a Seinfeld episode.  I am beginning to believe the same is true for How I Met Your Mother.  Will agrees with me.
  • As you may have heard I am now available for text messages.  Give me a shout if you want my number- would love to hear from you guys in a whole new way- for me, anyway!  
And finally, my favorite Tim Tebow stats of the week (see picture).  This is for the benefit of a ll my Florida Gator friends and especially Ashley Goad Broadhurst (Springfield Friends Meeting), a huge Tebow fan!  It's official.  He's better than John Elway (sarcasm intended).  But it is pretty amazing!  That's it for now.  Take care, and remember this is a week to be thankful for the many blessings in our lives.  Know that I am thankful for each of you, and if you are traveling, be safe.  Much love!
    Because of Jesus,


    1. My sister & I are planning to go see the Muppet Movie Thanksgiving night when we are at my parents. I'm sure this will get an eye roll from my 11 year old. :)

    2. Amy, my 16 year old is going to a midnight showing on with a bunch of his friends on Tuesday and then our whole house full is going on Friday. We are so psyched!

    3. This blog post completely made my day! Tebow better than Elway?!! Who knew!!?? Thanks, Carl!


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