
Thursday, November 3, 2011

Hijacked- a Guest Post from @NomadStacey

Remember that today is Comment Day, so be sure and leave comments for Stacey and every other blog post you read today.  It's a great way to encourage bloggers!  Now here's Stacey!!!

I know Carl through Twitter and have been so blessed by his presence. Carl is a loyal encourager, someone who is always for me, and a speaker of wisdom. When he asked me to do a guest post for him, I was honored! Thanks for letting me share my story, Carl!
* * *
never saw this coming. At all. It wasn’t even on my radar to pay attention to. When I say this came out of nowhere, I really mean it.
My life has been hijacked.
Let me take you back a few years; when it was still my own…
Growing up, I always strived for the best grades. I attended some of the best schools to get the best education so I could get the best job. I was goal oriented and career minded.
After graduating college, I landed a great job with a great paycheck in Washington, DC. Was it my dream job? No. But I knew it would add so much to my resume and skill set. So, I stayed- for two years, dying in my cubicle little by little every day.
But I had the cute outfits, the fun vacations, and all the dinners out I wanted with an ever increasing savings account. I thought this was what the adult life was all about.
But…something was missing.
I looked for a new job more in line with what I studied in school. But those interviews did not pan out into a job offer. I started pouring more into relationships I had been building in the DC area. 
This is where the Truth started infiltrating my comfortable life.
Although I always wanted to live overseas, I thought I’d be in some stylish flat in Europe, strolling the cobblestone streets at night, and working in a competitive environment.  So, when my search led me to an overseas idea, I wasn’t too surprised.
What caught me off guard was the industry and location of the opportunity.  The flat in Europe would be a thatched roof hut in South Africa, the cobble stone streets would be dirt roads with sewage flowing down them, and the competitive environment would be the front lines of the battle for spreading the love and hope of Christ.
I fell in love with Africa. I fell in love with her people. I fell in love with her perseverance. I fell in love with her joy. I fell in love with the way God cares for His children there. I fell in love with the African church. I fell in love with the joy that comes from the hope of Christ.
And I never saw it coming.
In May of this year, I quit my comfortable job in DC, packed my bags, and moved back home to a place I haven’t lived in 10 years.  I’m resetting the relational foundation with my church here, reconnecting with old friends, making new ones, and focusing on preparing for the mission field.
So, after a year of discernment, applications, and visiting South Africa again, I will be returning as a full time missionary with OCInternational. There is a team of 5 families living and working in Johannesburg, South Africa with OCI right now. They are strengthening the church; discipling pastors, youth, and community leaders; mentoring Christians; equipping churches to grow and plant healthy churches; and training teachers, pastors, and leaders in the area.
I never, truly thought my job title would be missionary. I never thought I’d want to live in Africa, let alone excited about it! I never thought my livelihood wouldn’t come from my employer, but from my Employer.
My life has been hijacked by God to spread the word about His Kingdom in a nation captivated by hopelessness. I no longer care about the corner office, the sales at Banana Republic, or the paycheck coming in.
I care about the people who haven’t heard about Christ, living in a cycle of sin desperate for Someone to bring change. I care about the pastor struggling to answer tough questions who has no formal training. I care about the community leader who is worn down burdens who wants the best for their community.
My life isn’t going to go the way I thought it would but it’s now going the way it was designed to go.  And for that, I am speechlessly thankful.
* * *
Want to contact Stacey about her upcoming move to South Africa, OC International, or share your own story? You can email her here.
God in His faithfulness has brought me right where I am supposed to be at this time. What a blessing!




  1. Thank you Stacey for sharing, your story is truly inspiring!

  2. I'm glad to hear you're doing great things for God. It's funny, my wife and I are thinking we might be heading to SA sometime soon. We are trying to get out of debt so we can be free to go if we are called there. Keep following God! Thanks for the post

  3. Lauren, thanks for the encouraging words...but I really didn't have much to do with it :)

  4. Chris, how awesome that God is inclining your heart towards missions! Thanks for sharing how you are obeying just the inkling right now! Small steps of obedience lead to clarity. Have you been to SA yet?

  5. Anonymous11/03/2011

    Stacey, you know I love you and I'm so proud of how you go after God's calling for your life. I'm honored to have see your growth and am so encouraged every day by your eagerness to please Him. Blessings sweet friend!

  6. Karen, thanks for your encouragement!! We need to catch up!

  7. Anonymous11/03/2011

    Loved being a part of your DC!! Loved being a part of this journey with you!!

  8. Thanks, Tracee! Your encouragement for me to dig into what was missing was so needed!

  9. A special thanks to Stacey and the over 250 readers who checked out this guest post yesterday. Isn't it awesome when God hijacks our lives?


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