
Sunday, November 27, 2011

Et Tu, Chick-fil-A?

Surely in this weekend of commercialization that kicks off the Christmas season there must be some last bastion of hope.  In the midst of all the Black Friday muggings at your local Wal-Mart, all the Lady Gaga holiday specials and all of the neighbors trying to make their house look like the home of Clark W. Griswold, there has to be one place we can count on to keep the Christ in Christmas.  The home of all things pure and good.  The home of conservative family values.  The home of Christian Chicken.  Chick-fil-A!

But wait...  My family went to our local Chick-fil-A on Waters Ave. here in Tampa last night and discovered something awful had happened.  The home of Christian Chicken had succumbed to the evils of a secular Christmas.  There were lights everywhere.  Some of them depicted (GASP!) Santa Claus.  You can see it in the picture above-  Santa, a Christmas tree and the holy Chick-fil-A sign.  All of these pictures were taken as my family wandered with crowds, entranced by the dancing lights.  I was so confused.  If Chick-fil-A had gone over to the dark side of the holiday season, what chance do the rest of us have?  

I hope by now you have felt the sarcasm in my writing today.  It is my firm belief that we can enjoy the trappings of the Christmas season without forgetting Jesus.  In fact, if we are that easily distracted, we need to re-think our commitment to the Child of Bethlehem.  This particular restaurant has done these lights for years, and we went there last night because we wanted to see the display.  I write this today because I hope to remind myself- and all of you- that there is a battle to be fought about remembering the "reason for season."  It's just that the battle is not with stores, restaurants or Santa.  Our struggle is not with those who choose to say "Happy Holidays" instead of "Merry Christmas."  The fight is not about arguing with the world over keeping the "Christ in Christmas."  The battle is in our own hearts.  Do we live like we know Jesus?  Do we do all we can to let those around us know that "Baby Jesus" grew up to save the world?   Am I living like I understand that this is the season when I prepare myself for the birth of the child who will deliver me from sin and spiritual death?   So enjoy the lights.  Enjoy the music.  Enjoy the shopping.  But WORSHIP Jesus!!!  Advent is here.  My Deliverer is coming!  It truly is the most wonderful time of the year.  Even at Chick-fil-A...    

My Deliverer Is Coming...


  1. Thanks, Amy. I felt inspired! :)

  2. Carl are you reading my mind? I was thinking these same thoughts the other day. It's funny but I honestly was never offended by "Happy Holidays" because I always took it to mean Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year.

    Also now all I want to do is go eat a Chicken Sandwich.


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