
Saturday, September 17, 2011

Saturday Shout Outs!

Hakuna Matata, and welcome to another edition of my Saturday Shout Outs!  Today we feature a strange mix of shout outs, a little pregnancy news, a trivia question and a flashback to 1994.  Whew!  We'd better get started...
  • I discovered through Facebook that Danny & Missy McCorquodale (Springfield Friends Meeting) are not only expecting, but already at 38 weeks.  This will be their second child.  I also learned that Christy Causey Allen (SFM) is expecting.  They join Erin Augenblick Shannon and Lindsey Joiner Bennett (both FUMC-Kissimmee) on the pregnant list.  Plus, as usual, I know something you don't know!!!  More details soon.  If I am missing anyone, please let me know! 
  • Lots of great contact with lots of old Quaker Lake Camp friends yesterday after posting some very old pictures (many already seen here) on Marilyn's Facebook.  People seemed fascinated by my short shorts and the amazing pranks the QLC cows played and blamed on innocent staff members.  Great memories of great times!  We'll post a few more old pictures there later today.
  • Matthew Rogers (FUMC-K) was married last weekend to Candace.  Older brother Andrew Rogers and cousin Kelly Jeck Trace seem to be holding up well.  :)
  • My Twitter friend Christie Weatherby is taking ice fishing lessons to prepare for the upcoming season.  I guess moving to Colorado does strange things to you...  
  • Since no one volunteered (not even Teresa, whom I volunteered myself!) after the previous Shout Out request, I will be contacting some of you and asking you to write a guest post for this blog.  Beginning October 9, I want to feature a week of actual memories from actual former youth.  Or you could still volunteer and save me some trouble.
  • Kudos to ESPN's Mike and Mike in the Morning for having the wisdom (HA!) to read one of my tweets and mention my name on national TV this week.  Plus, my tweet (which suggested that Mike Golic was hating on Tim Tebow) made Golic mad.  BONUS!!!!
  • Over the course of the week spanning August 31 to September 5, Robin Simmons Loker, Traci Whitaker Lane and Todd Farlow (all Springfield) each turned 40.  That makes me feel old, but at least I have company!  I'm just saying...  :)
  • Congratulations to Page HS (Greensboro, NC) coached by Andi Brooks Gillespie's (SFM) hubby Kevin (with a little help from Jeremy Godwin) on defeating my alma mater last night.  OK Pirates- now it's on to an undefeated season! 
  • Earlier this week on Twitter I said I was so excited about seeing The Lion King 3D this weekend that I might dress in drag and do the hula.  In the movie, who utters those famous words- "What do you want me to do; dress in drag and do the hula?"  If 25 different people leave the correct answer as a comment on this post, then I will actually do it and post pictures.  There is your challenge for today!
Before leaving you this week, planning to go see The Lion King 3D in theaters takes me back to 1994, when Natalie Whitaker, Mandy Beggs and Erin Moran  (all Springfield, and I may have some of the wrong people) were visiting us in Kissimmee and we went to see The Lion King on opening night at Pleasure Island. We went to a late show, and the theater was packed with WDW cast members.  It was the most "alive" crowd I have ever shared a theater with, and we loved it.  Has any movie studio ever had a better 4 movie run than Disney did with The Little Mermaid, Beauty and the Beast, Aladdin and The Lion King?  I think not.  Have a blessed weekend, answer the trivia question, and come back tomorrow as we attempt to smell the color 9...

Because of Jesus,


  1. Timon! Love that movie.

  2. All right- Amy was first! Now let's get this party started!!!

  3. Definitely Timon. Definitely not sure how I feel about you dressing in drag and posting pictures though, lol. Also, if you're looking for people to do guest posts.... ;)

  4. Anonymous9/17/2011

    Timon! - Chris Cooper

  5. Anonymous9/17/2011

    Timon. Come on people, let's make him dance!!! :)

  6. Jocelyn Sessions via Marilyn's Facebook---> Timon is the answer!! Do take pics of Carl in the hula skirt!! I'm sure you remember Jerry donning one in Kissimmee.…ah, sweet memories!

    Good news to share: I'm beyond excited that Kristin Willis is new on the expecting list! Personally, I'm hoping it's another boy. We'd be able to form about half of a sports team between our families that way. :)

  7. Anonymous9/17/2011

    I never heard of ice fishing classes. Must be a new thing for those folks that want to be like Minnesotans. Can't ban ice fishing if you never tried it. My house is always open if you want to try. Best fishing is when it's about 20 below out. That's without the windchill. Our lakes become small towns in the winter. You can even have pizza delivered to the ice house. The best part is onStar. When you are in the middle of the lake you push the button and ask for directions. They always have a puzzling voice when they talk. "Are you ok, becuase you are in the middle of a lake". Silly southerners!!

  8. Oh well- no hula skirt and coconut bra for this guy! Maybe next time...


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