
Sunday, August 28, 2011

Sheep Stealers

This past Wednesday I made an evening run to our local Sweetbay grocery store.  As I pushed my cart through the produce section I saw a man waving to me, and I recognized him as someone who had once been a part of the congregation at Wesley Memorial UMC during the time that I served that church.  We'll call him "Roger."  I had run into Roger a couple of times since moving back to Tampa in 2007, and he had always been friendly.  Actually, more than friendly.  You see, Roger is a talker.  Anything under 30 minutes is a short conversation when talking to him. This time, after a quick "hello" and a "how's the family?" Roger got straight to the point.  He asked me where we are going to church now, and after barely waiting for my answer told me where his family was attending.  That information was followed immediately by a barrage of dazzling facts.  Their church was growing at what sounded like an amazing rate.  They have 11,000 members.  They have 4 services in their auditorium that seats 3000.  They have a men's bible study on Tuesday nights with over 250 men.  After each incredible statistic, he told me that this was the church my family and I should attend.  And after each invitation, he mentioned what he clearly found to be the most amazing thing of all- the church has a Starbucks in it.  I stood there a bit dumbstruck at first, but then reminded Roger that we love our church and were not looking to move.  He then began to tell me how many of his mega-church's members had recently left another (even larger) local mega-church to attend his.  This was a point of great pride in his eyes.  In fact, according to Roger, people from all over Tampa Bay are leaving their churches to come to his- and he insisted we should join them.  

I know that there are plenty of valid reasons for people to switch churches.  The fact that another church is larger and has a Starbucks inside is NOT one of those valid reasons.   When I once again pointed out to Roger that my family loves our church, he gave it one final shot- which I am sure in his mind seemed like an offer I couldn't refuse.  He gave me (see picture) a card good for a free cup of Starbucks coffee if I would only give his church a try.  At that point, I kinda lost it.  I complimented Roger on his enthusiasm for his church, but then pointed out that what he was engaging in was not evangelism.  I am already a Christ-follower and already have a church.  Roger (and I am guessing lots of other folks from that mega-church) has been trained in the fine art of Sheep Stealing.  When you focus your efforts on getting people to move from one church to another rather than on engaging new people with the gospel, then you are Sheep Stealing- raiding another flock so that your flock looks more impressive.  Unfortunately, far too often this is how large churches get to be larger.  They are able to build fancy structures and offer programming that make them a sort of Six Flags Over Jesus.  Then they make sure everyone in the community knows that they offer things that a smaller church cannot.  And soon, the sheep began to be lured in.  Throw in a cup of Starbucks, a gymnasium, and a high profile pastor-  and the sheep are hooked...

So my question to you today is this- when was the last time you invited someone to go to church with you who doesn't already have a church home?  Jesus told us that he came for the lost and the sick.  We spend too much of our time giving band-aids to people who already know where the hospital is.  Sheep Stealing is easy.  Sheep Making- now there's a challenge that can only be met by leading people to the Good Shepherd.  Let's get busy with the business of Jesus.  And "Roger," if you're family doesn't drink coffee.  Put in a Slurpee machine and we'll talk!  :)

Because of Jesus,


  1. Full disclosure- We attend a very large church with great facilities and programs. But we are an Acts 1:8 church committed to reaching the unreached, not Sheep Stealing!

  2. Anonymous8/28/2011

    Freakin' hilarious!!! And yet somehow sad at the same time...

  3. Anonymous5/17/2013

    Doesn't have to be a large church, far to many are focused on fishing in others aquariums. I have been in ministry for 21 years... It is unethical, lazy and anything but Christ honoring. Thanks for the good read.


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