
Friday, August 5, 2011

One Last Job Search (Part 2)

In mid December 0f 2005 I found myself driving back up to Waycross, GA for a second interview, this time with some of the parents and youth.  At that point I had also committed to interview with a huge United Methodist church in the Atlanta suburbs, but I had a serious interest in Trinity UMC.  I was excited to meet some of the students and hear what their hopes and dreams for the ministry were.  We sat down to a pizza dinner together and I sat beside a high school girl who told me she had quit coming a year or so earlier.  When I asked her why, she talked about all of the games and activities had been tilted towards things guys liked, and that most of the older girls did not attend.  Right away I had picked up some valuable information.  Another girl (her name was Alyssa) sat across from me with her boyfriend and they chatted my ears off about what they wished the future of the youth ministry might be like.  Several of the middle school kids also came and sat with me, talking about how much the youth group meant to them and how they hoped it could be exciting again.  When the interview finally began, I was psyched! 

The entire evening took place in an house (The Vine) located on the church property, and the interview took place in the living room, which was also used for youth meetings.  The inside of the house was a dump, and didn't look like any effort had been made to make it feel like a "home" for students.  We sat in a giant circle on dilapidated couches and chairs, and after some introductions the questions began.  They didn't know it, but at this point in my career they were actually the ones being interviewed.  They wanted to know all about trips I had led, how I would change the Sunday evening meetings, and what new things I might bring to Waycross.  As I answered their questions, I asked my own right back at them.  I wanted to know what had been working and what some of the issues had been over previous years.  The student who was most vocal and encouraging during the evening was Alyssa, and what made that funny is that she didn't even attend all that often- her boyfriend was actually the youth group member!  There was also a couple present that clearly saw the student ministry as "their baby," and they seemed uncomfortable with my experience and leadership style.  I made it clear that if they brought me in, there would be changes.  This excited almost everyone...all but two.  They seemed to focus on my age and the fact that Trinity UMC was smaller than many of my previous stops.  There attitudes were the biggest negatives of the night.

I drove home to Tampa after the meeting- 4 hours alone with my thoughts.  I still wasn't sure what to make of the place, but I did love the kids I had met.  There was still a bit of uncertainty in my mind about how and why the previous youth pastor had left.  There were some strengths, including David White, their outstanding Associate Pastor.  I was less sure about Pastor Don.  But I just wasn't clear on a calling at all.  I knew that just moving to Waycross would be a huge step.  Will had only lived in Kissimmee/Orlando, Chicago and Tampa.  This would be quite a change.  By the time I got home, I knew that I needed Marilyn to see the church and meet the people, so we decided to make an unscheduled visit to Sunday worship on our way back from the interview in Atlanta.  The end of this saga is coming Monday.  Have a blessed weekend.

Because of Jesus,

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