
Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Hitting the Ground Running

I had many faults and flaws as a youth pastor during my 28 years of service to churches, but there were two areas in which I consistently excelled.  I always left a church in a strong and positive way, making sure the students knew I was never leaving because of them.  And I always arrived at a new ministry with goals, focus, a plan in mind and energy to spare. In other words, I always hit the ground running!  Normally these two events took place in close proximity to each other; I would depart one ministry and arrive at the next within the same week.  In January of 2006 I prepared to go to Trinity UMC of Waycross, GA after 6 months of rest, prayer and planning.  They had no idea what was about to hit them!

I set my arrival date at February 15, 2006.  Since I would be spending several months away from Marilyn and Will (who would remain in Tampa through the end of the school year), I wanted to spend Valentine's Day with them; I could head north after that.  In the meantime, I began to brainstorm ideas and programs for my first few months in Waycross.  I would be free of my own family responsibilities, which meant I would have loads of time to visit families and see ballgames, concerts plays and any other events the youth of TUMC were involved in.  I knew going in that the active youth fell into two main groups; middle school girls and high school boys.  I would need to reach out and try to bring back those who had dropped out, and also build bridges between those who were there.  I also knew that I would spend lots of time early on trying to renovate the two houses on campus that the youth had been meeting in.  One was not terrible (it had a Hawaiian theme and needed a fierce cleaning); the other was an absolute disaster.  My office was also in that house, and it was beyond help.  I would be starting from scratch- there was not even a desk.  I begin to order some things to help spruce the place up a bit.  I wanted to make an impression.

I then discovered that the first weekend in February was to be a big one at TUMC.  On Saturday, there would be an all-day church planning conference, as each area of ministry shared their goals and ideas for the coming year.  On Sunday, the youth would be having a big Super Bowl party at the home of a couple who helped out with the ministry and their high school boys.  I decided that I needed to be there for both of those events, and the church and the youth were thrilled at my excitement.  As usual, I didn't just spectate- I jumped in with ideas and challenges on Saturday and by helping on Sunday.  By the time the weekend was over, I felt like a part of the church family, and there were still two weeks before my first official Sunday.  I could not wait to get started.  I really felt like God was getting me ready to do a great work in Waycross.

But life happens.  I didn't actually arrive on February 15th- it was a week later.  By the time I got there, my whole life had changed, and my energy levels were way down.  I had been so excited about what I could do.  Now it was time to once again let Jesus carry me.  That story is coming Friday.

Because of Jesus,


  1. Anonymous8/10/2011

    It's Meagan! I can only comment as Anonymous to get the comment to go through for some reason. All the same, looking forward to the rest of the story on Friday!

  2. Thanks Meagan! Not sure why my blog is being so difficult with comments lately, but I appreciate going anonymous and making a post anyway! Blessings to you, my friend!


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