
Thursday, July 28, 2011

Want Some Cheese With That Whine?

I'm usually not like this.  I'm a very positive person. Some people see the glass as half empty- some see it as half full.  I think every glass gets free refills.  I'm the guy who irritates the crap out of you because I wake up perky.  I'm the guy who counts his blessings even when life seems to be headed down the toilet.  I don't enjoy complaining or whining.  But today that is exactly what I'm going to do...

I got up yesterday and it was raining.  My wife and son are out of town, and I miss them.  I drove across town to my therapy group, where I spent an hour explaining my life to people who don't care and a counselor whose job it is to tell me I am wrong- about my own life!  I came home to discover my newly repaired garage door wasn't working- again.  I began to check in with my online communities and discovered that while people seemed to talking about Comment Day, there was no evidence that anyone was actually doing it.  My own blog, which I thought had some pretty interesting stories of weird youth group experiences, must have been invisible.  My dog threw up on our carpet- twice!   As the day went along I read and commented on over 55 blogs, including a few youth ministry blogs that really hacked me off (People, we don't need better programs, we need more leaders willing to actually invest themselves in the lives of teenagers!).  In the end I commented on 53 blog posts.  My own received 2.  I became frustrated and lost all perspective- I don't do Comment Day to get comments for me, I do it so that other bloggers will feel encouraged.  But yesterday the whole thing left me feeling discouraged.  It was really a terrible, horrible, no good, very bad day.  I considered moving to Australia!  And then my friend Robert tells us via Twitter that Foster's is NOT Australian for beer.  What the heck is going on here?

So I took a deep breath.  My friend Lisa called and we went to supper and had another amazing visit.  A couple of Twitter friends made me laugh.  Marilyn and Will called from NC.  I had a great walk with Conner the Dog.  And I remembered the truth that awaits me at the end of every day would be there at the end of this one as well.  Jesus loves me.  Even when I look at life and whine about it, Jesus is always there to serve cheese.  Even my worst days end with a party, because every night this prodigal son returns to the Father and says I know I don't deserve your love or the blessings you give me...but thank you.  Knowing that the Creator of the Universe knows my name and loves me reminds me of why I can wake up again this morning smiling and perky enough to make you crazy- because if God loves me, who am I to complain?

Because of Jesus,


  1. Anonymous7/28/2011

    Hey Big C,

    Hope today is much better for you! Wish I were in central Florida so we could hang out this week. We need to chat soon -- there is much to catch up on. I always love your blog.


  2. Thanks Todd! Cannot wait to catch up with you and hear all the news. My best to your family!

  3. Anonymous7/28/2011

    Got that right! I feel just like you some days. And I don't even know what "Comment Day" even is? I just know that for me - I try not to focus on comments as in being an encouragement. You are like this too - unfortunately we are "givers" and get lost in the crowd sometimes. I know how this feels. Just remember - you DO have something worthwhile to say - and people are reading - even if they are not commenting. I have found this true for my blog as well. I will out of the blue get an email or comment that blows me away - and it is just what I need to be encouraged and carry on too :)

  4. First of all Cindy, Comment Day is something I made up about 6 months ago, so do not feel bad about not knowing what it is!. Secondly, you are so right. I know it matters, and I know people read. I also receive confirmation of that in a variety of ways. Yesterday was just one of those days, and I wanted EVIDENCE! Ya know? Thanks for being such an encouragement to me!

  5. Everyone has those days. Here's to hoping today is a better one!

  6. It is Meagan- it is! Loving reading your "Cooper Catch-Up" posts!

  7. Anonymous7/28/2011

    we read you your blog, and love and learn from your experiences, but as you told me years ago - many times you do not see the fruits of your works for many years, and /or do not always see the evidence - so here it is:


    love you and hope to see you very soon - we have a wedding to talk about / plan!!!!


  8. Thanks Cindy! Yes we do need to get together soon- I'm really looking forward to seeing your whole family as the big event draws near!


Thanks for reading,and thanks for your comment!