
Tuesday, July 12, 2011

How Do You View God?

I have always believed that how we picture God has a tremendous impact on our faith.  Whether it be through bad teaching, bad theology or simple misunderstanding, many of us see God as having attributes that simply do not exist.  We talk about the "God of the Old Testament" as if God has a split personality, failing to realize that Jesus is the New Covenant who changed everything.  This is crucial, because the way we view God influences the way we think God views us.  Take a look at the list below and see if any of these "personas" of God have ever found their way into your thinking...

God as Darth Vader - Do what God tells you to do and everything will be cool.  Lose one rebel ship because it jumped to light speed and feel the cold hand of doom on your shoulder.  God does not like failures...
God as Genie - Your wish is God's command!  Some people call this prayer, but we all know it's all about telling God what you need want and waiting for Him to deliver.  Plus, there is none of that silly 3 wish limit stuff!
God as Judge Judy - Break a law and you will pay.  There will no mercy for law breakers, especially if it happens to be one of the Top 10.  If God catches you coveting your neighbor's key lime pie, you might as well pack your bags for hell...
God as Grumpy Old Man - God is not actually in control of things anymore.  He just sits in the recliner and complains about the state of things on earth and how no one listens to Him anymore.  Occasionally yells at the young folks to "Get off my lawn!"  
God as Bartender - God is always there to listen, to ease your pain, and to give you a little something to take the edge off.  But He's not really gonna' do anything about it.
God as Cosmic Killjoy - Does something look like fun?  Then God doesn't like it.  He wants you to be solemn and miserable.  Everything that sounds like a good time must be against His rules.  That's why soccer, rap & disco succeeded- absolutely nothing fun about those things.  :)
God as Financial Advisor - We should give freely to our churches and TV evangelists, not because we want to give back to God but because if we do He will make us wealthy beyond our wildest dreams!  So you don't forget, order your autographed Last Supper Menu before midnight tonight and you will be blessed!
God as Life of the Party - You hang with God, and life will be all sunshine and parties.  No sadness, no struggles and no worrying about people who might need your help.  God will keep you smiling and smelling good!

Do any of those sound familiar to you?  Or do you have your very own view of God?  Before you answer, here's one more I left out...

God as BFF - Need to be held accountable?  God can do that.  Need someone to lean on when the world has got you down?  God is always there.  Need to be convicted of your sins?  He's the One for the job.  Need to be loved unconditionally?  God is the ONLY one who will do that.  In John 15:14-15  Jesus says, "You are my friends if you do what I command.  I no longer call you servants, because a servant does not know his master’s business. Instead, I have called you friends..."  The great worship band Delirious expressed it like this:  "What a friend I've found, closer than a brother. It would break our hearts to ever lose each other...Jesus, friend forever."  God came to us in human form so that we would know how much he loves us- and that's what the Jesus Revolution is all about.  You want to know how much he cares about you?  Read Luke 12:6-7.  He knows everything about you and loves you more than you can imagine.  The creator of the universe (YAWEH) loves us like a daddy (ABBA).  How amazing is that...

So let me ask you again- How do you view God?

Because of Jesus,


  1. Anonymous7/12/2011

    I tend to view God as a demanding mentor/teacher with high expectations He KNOWS I can live up to. He loves me and everything, but he's really more interested in seeing that I hit all the benchmarks he's set up for me.

  2. Anonymous7/12/2011

    This is great, Carl! How do I view God. I would say that it has changed over the years. I see Him now in my recent struggles and painful journey, having to rely on His grace and mercy - as "Loving Father". I don't know if I always thought that though. I was way too fearful. Now I know that nothing can separate me from His grace.

  3. Anonymous7/12/2011

    I always feel like there is some magic formula to "working" God and I can never quite figure it out. It's like there is some magic way to talk to Him to get what want, even if I believe it is something God has asked me to do. So the day before yesterday I told Him all of this. In my heart I heard God tell me that there is no magic formula. He just loves me. The yesterday I found this verse. AND WOW!!! Romans 8:26 So too the Holy Spirit comes to our aid and bears us up in our weakness ; for we do not know what prayer to offer nor how to offer it worthily as we ought, but the Spirit Himself goes to meet our supplication and pleads in our behalf with with unspeakable yearnings and groanings too deep for utterance.

    Sorry for writing a blog on your blog.

  4. What a great verse and clarifying thought, Chris. You can write a blog on my blog anytime! :)

  5. Love it!
    I've used similar in a talk
    As Santa
    As a microwave
    As Mrs Cleo
    As Donald Trump

    BTW your post will be tomorrow


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