
Thursday, June 9, 2011

Testify To Love

One of the longest running features of this blog has been to highlight classic Contemporary Christian Music on Thursdays.  After a brief hiatus, the music is back!  I hope you enjoy...

I have to admit that while I do like a wide variety of musical styles, I also have a bit of a musical prejudice.  I like bands.  I want to see people play instruments and sing at the same time.  Groups that just sing rarely earn my respect.  In fact, one of my biggest pet peeves is going to see a live act and discovering that they perform to a recorded soundtrack.  It may not be rational , but I just don't like it.  And don't even get me started on "Boy Bands..."

So armed with that knowledge, you may be surprised to learn that two of the CCM songs that give me the biggest goosebumps are performed by "groups."   The first is Avalon and is called Testify to Love.  This is simply an amazing song.  It has soaring harmonies, a killer key change and deeply theological lyrics, including a chorus that is a great profession of faith. 

For as long as I shall live I will testify to love
I'll be your witness in the silences when words are not enough
With every breath I take I will give thanks to God above
For as long as I shall live I will testify to love!

Wouldn't this world be a better place if all of our lives were a testimony to the love of God whose name is Jesus?  If you listen closely you'll even hear them work in a little "Give peace a chance."  The song still moves me every single time I hear it (which is often- it's on my Ipod!)- and yet it is the only Avalon song I can name.  So watch , listen, and enjoy the goosebumps.  I'll be back next week with a great song from (GASP) a Christian Boy Band...


  1. Hands down, my favorite Avalon song and i can actually name a few!

  2. Glad I picked a favorite, Caitlin! Enjoy your last couple of days of the school year. Hurray, Teachers!

  3. Carl, you've been in my head again! I have an enormous pet peeve about performance tracks vs. live music. But alas, you have hit the nail on the head. I don't have it on my ipod, but our local Christian station rocks this joint on a VERY regular basis. What I love about this song is that I, not the greatest singer, can sing the lyrics just about any way I want and still hit some note of harmony. You also forgot to mention the little "pop-cheese" rap break in there. Great song, great post, great friend. Oh no, I'm becoming Christian pop-cheese.

  4. Jason, I did forget to mention the "rap" and that was very wrong of me. This song may belong on my ultimate playlist AND in the Jukebox of Cheese all at the same time! Now that's a classic!


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