
Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Encounters With God: Lexi MacKinnon

Lexi MacKinnon has a heart for Jesus and for the least of these.  Her "encounter" talks about her experiences in Uganda, and it is only fitting that she is there right now ministering to some of the poorest of the poor.  Lexi has seen the face of Jesus in the children she serves there, and her challenge to us today is be "doers of the Word and not hearers only."  Follow her on Twitter @leximackinnon and be sure to  leave her lots of comments so that the next time she is at a computer she will feel the love we have for her and the work she is doing. I hate to contradict my own guest writer, but Lexi, you are both "extra brave and courageous!"  Blessings to you, my friend!

Jesus Is the Least of These
Encountering God is not as simple as saying a quick version of the sinner’s prayer, going to church weekly or even daily quiet times. If that is all our Christian walks are centered on, we are no better than the Pharisees.

In Matthew 25:40 Jesus said, "And the King will say, ‘I tell you the truth, when you did it to one of the least of these my brothers and sisters, you were doing it to me!"

So you want to encounter Jesus and really know him? Jesus says that He IS the unloved and unwanted of our world. It is in the least of these that we can encounter Jesus in ways we have never before experienced.

Often when I share with others about the fact that I am moving to Eastern Uganda to care for orphans, they say that I must be extra brave or courageous. I promise you I am neither.  The truth is that in Uganda I have seen the face of Jesus!  

In the street children, in the starving babies, in the abused women, in the unloved elderly, in the drug addicted teens... I have seen the face of Jesus. In the midst of those suffering, Jesus is present in a way I have never before encountered!

So I am not special. I am not brave. I am not courageous. I am someone who has seen the face of Jesus fleshed out and I desire nothing more than to chase after it.

Like the parable Jesus spoke of in Matthew 13:40, "The Kingdom of Heaven is like a treasure that a man discovered hidden in a field. In his excitement, he hid it again and sold everything he owned to get enough money to buy the field."

I have encountered Jesus through the greatest treasure on this Earth and like the farmer I will sell everything to make that treasure mine.  Will you?

Have you encountered Jesus among the least of these?
What are you doing now to go after that precious treasure?

About Lexi MacKinnon
I am a young-twenty something from Tampa, FL currently living in Nashville, TN. I have started a new ministry called Muzungu Mama Ministries to be the light of Jesus in unreached places in Eastern Uganda. I will be moving to Pallisa, Uganda in September to open a children's home and start a family sponsorship program there. You can read more about this amazing journey at my blog Moving Mountains or check out my ministry's site Muzungu Mama Ministries .


  1. Wow!! Thanks for your work Lexi.

    Sunday, I preached a sermon about the Great Commission and the first words are, "All authority in heaven and on earth has been given to me. Therefore GO...."

    Thank you for heedin' that call.

    Let me encourage those that don't feel led to go to at least feel led to give. This would be an awesome way.

  2. Lexi you are an inspiration. And Kevin, you are so right. There are many ways to contribute to the work of Jesus. "GO" may not mean Uganda- it may mean the local homeless shelter. But it does mean "GO!"

  3. Praise the Lord. If we could get our students in youth ministry to have this mindset youth pastors woud be out of jobs. But, let it be Lord. Lexi, thanks for your passion and I pray it will be contagious to the people you surround yourself with!

  4. Just arrived back in Nashville from Uganda! I really appreciate your kind words and encouragement...thanks guys! =D


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