
Saturday, April 16, 2011

Youth Ministry Artifacts #4- Gumby

Today in my 600th consecutive day of blogging on this site, and I have to say I have never been more exhausted after writing a post than I was after writing yesterday's.  Or more excited.  If you missed Follow Jesus- I Dare Ya! then check it out.  It may kick your butt just like it kicked mine...

So today's artifact comes with a mystery.  You see, as keenly as I remember so many details from 30 years ago, I do not remember at all the exact how or why the Gumby you see pictured here came to be in my possession.  I know it was the late 1980s, during my time at Springfield Friends Meeting,  and I know that it was given to me by Shelley Godwin and Heather Beggs.  I know that because their initials and a message- "Gumbys live forever!"- are on his tag.  I also remember that it was Keri Vinson who first turned his rainbow colored belt into a hippie-style headband.  But as far as details, that's all I've got.

So why even bring Gumby up today?  Because his presence in my offices over the years always served as a reminder of something important.  I have gone on and on here concerning the need to be intentional about building relationships with students and how important I believe that to be in student ministry.  As our TNT program took off and we began to reach more and more students from the community, this became a real challenge at SFM.  As incredible kids like Shelley and her twin brother Jeremy, Heather and Keri became involved in our ministry, I wanted to make sure we stayed connected and that they knew they were loved individually- not just because we liked having a large group.  So I turned to one of my mentors, J. David Stone.  He had written a book in 1985 for GROUP Books called Spiritual Growth in Youth Ministry, and one chapter contained a plan for a different type of outreach that would change my ministry forever-  24 Weeks of Caring.

The plan was so simple, yet totally brilliant.  You would chose 4 groups of a specified (I eventually settled on 6 after trying 8) number of youth with whom you wanted to build a better relationship- a total of 24 students (using 6 per group- HA!  I did math!).  I would begin the program by sending all 24 teenagers a letter informing them that they had been chosen for this special event, and that nothing was required of them.  It was just going to happen to them.  Each group was given a designated communication category for a specific number of weeks (again I chose 6, so at 24 weeks I could do the program twice in a year.).  For the first 6 weeks, I would pray every day for one group and send them a note each week reminding them that I was praying for them, and asking for prayer requests.  During those same 6 weeks I would give the members of the second group a phone call once a week.  The third group received a weekly personalized post card in which I said nothing about our youth ministry- it was all about them.  And the final group I promised to see once a week- outside of church.  Sometimes it was over a milk shake, sometimes at school, sometimes at a community event.  At the end of the first 6 weeks, you simply rotate the groups.  When you complete the 24 weeks, you have connected every week with all 24 students in 4 different ways- and your relationship with all of them will be different...

Obviously it could be updated to fit today's high-tech culture, and you could use Facebook, Twitter, texting or e-mail to replace some of "mailing" that I did.  The last time few times I did it I used e-mail instead of writing the post cards.  No matter, the point remains the same- letting youth know they are important and they are loved- and that NONE of that is based on how many times they show up for church.

So why does Gumby remind me of this?  I'm not sure I can explain it.  But just maybe it's because that at Springfield we reached so many students whose families were not a part of that church, and because of efforts like the 24 Weeks of Caring they became a huge part of OUR family.  I look at Gumby and remember that I have seldom had better relationships (or more fun) with students over the years than I had with Heather, Shelley, Keri, Jeremy and so many other TNT survivors.  Gumby reminds me that praying for them is crucial.  But he also reminds me that those kinds of relationships don't just happen- they require work.  Even now that I am out of the professional ministry, it's still an awesome reminder.  In fact, I could start up the program right now using blog readers and Twitter friends. Hmmm.   Interested?  :)  See you tomorrow for Palm Sunday!

Because of Jesus,


  1. @mizweatherby4/16/2011

    :) Count me in!!!

  2. You got it Christie. Although the visits to Colorado could get tricky...

  3. From Keri Vinson Johnston, via my wife's Facebook: So funny! My memory is so bad! I remember our "Gumby" phase but can't remember how it got started. Heather would know. I recognize that Gumby though! I actually had an entire spool of that rainbow ribbon and even wore it in my hair! Thanks for the memories! Those were good times. :)


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