
Thursday, April 7, 2011

A Gift For My Fellow Bloggers

So here's the deal about my blog.  I started this thinking no one would ever read it.  I began in the hope that I could blog every day for a year. Now, over 590 straight days of blogging later, I write for my own discipline, my own peace of mind, and to praise Jesus.  There are no ads here.  All I ask of you is to read- and make an occasional comment...

Today has been set aside (in my mind!) as Comment Day for my fellow bloggers!  Today, when you read a blog (and I hope you will read many) I want you to take the time and leave a comment for the writer.  You cannot imagine how special it is is to pour out your soul (or at least a few random thoughts) in a blog post and have someone respond to your words or add to your thoughts.  It is truly a blessing.

I love writing this blog, and it has given me more than I could have ever expected.  It has given me discipline, it has improved my prayer life, it has connected me with old friends I thought were lost and gone forever, and it has given me new friends that I count as blessings.  Many of you have left me comments since I began this adventure, and for that I am beyond grateful.  But today is not about me!  I am going to read at least 30 blogs today and comment on each of them, and I simply ask that you join me in affirming the writers that you love to read. 

If you need help finding blogs, there is a list on bottom right of this page, or you can click on my profile to see even more.  If you would like me to read your blog today, just send me a link at  or tweet a link to @youthguy07.  And if you would like to read a vintage post of mine just to stay sharp (lol) check out Boy Like Me, Man Like You from September 23, 2009.  It's one of my favorites. 

So go read.  Enjoy.  And comment.  Be a blessing to a blogger today!

Because of Jesus,


  1. I was just listening to Klove Radio and they were talking about being blessed to be a blessing. I thought how could I be blessing to someone and then I read your blog like I do most mornings. Great idea a small way to be a blessing to a blogger today!! Thanks for the post.

    Just a note, I have been reading your blog for months and never commented.

    Happy Comment Day!!

    Here is link to a series of an adventure me and my family are in the middle of on my blog if you did not get my tweet....

  2. This is a wonderful idea, Carl! I'm glad you thought of it!

  3. I'll check out these other boggers also. I also just started blogging to blog. Until I found our people around the world were reading it. Kind of makes ya think.

  4. I love comments! And love commenting! And therefore, I am going to participate in comment day too! ha!

  5. Ah, you never know who reads your blog.

  6. That, Gman, is so very true. I find out about someone new almost every day!

  7. Anonymous4/07/2011

    *warm fuzzies*

  8. Anonymous4/07/2011

    This is a great idea. Thanks for reading and posting. You're right, it's nice to receive comments from those who read your thoughts :)

  9. I always enjoy your stuff, Chris. And Anonymous, I can NEVER get enough warm know, in case there is a shortage some day...

  10. Anonymous4/07/2011

    Your mother was a hampster and your father smelt of elderberries!

  11. Ladies and gentleman, your random Monty Python quote of the day! Thanks Steph!

  12. So true! We all write blogs for different reasons but the best reason is always to the glory of our Lord Jesus Christ. Thank you for your reading and comments as well.

  13. Anonymous4/07/2011


  14. Anonymous4/07/2011

    Thanks for sharing your heart on the Internet for God's glory!

  15. You are fabulous, no if's, and's, or but's about it. It's true #EverybodyLovesCarl :). Thank you so much for "Comment Day"! :)

  16. Anonymous4/11/2011

    I am a few days behind just catching up. I enjoy the blog it always makes you think. Thanks for sharing!! Joanne

  17. Carl,

    Great idea, I've always enjoyed your comments. I need to do better at returning the favor. Again great idea.


Thanks for reading,and thanks for your comment!