
Thursday, March 24, 2011

CCM Thursday: Extreme Days

At some point in my first year or so at Wesley Memorial UMC we got really into Toby Mac's (of dc Talk fame) first solo project, Momentum.  The first song I ever remember hearing and playing around the youth group was the song Extreme Days.  It is a killer tune that talks about how the world is an extreme place that requires an extreme faith.  This was around the same time that every youth ministry started putting the word extreme in their name or on their t-shirts- or both.  Extreme was in.

Shortly after discovering the album, we came across the movie Extreme Days and watched in at youth.  It is the story of college students travelling across country, exploring faith, relationships and extreme sports.  It has great paintball fights and a great sense of humor, and it does not seek to be heavy handed in its approach to faith questions.  The characters struggle just as we all struggle. The film also taught us a new way to play "Spoons" that we used as a gag for about a year on anyone who had never seen the movie.  To see that scene, click here (it's about 3 minutes into the clip).  It takes a few minutes, but I promise you will laugh!  It quickly became a group favorite that we watched on several occasions. It was so popular, in fact, that someone (I'm looking at you, Christine Gastler!) borrowed my copy and I never got it back- suffering the same fate as several hundred tapes and CDs from over the years!

The soundtrack for the film was primarily cutting edge Christian music, including Toby's title track.  I have included the video below.  With everything that is going on in the world right now, we Christians need to realize that we are more than ever living in extreme days.  But we have the cure- the amazing, outrageous and radical love of Jesus Christ.  Share it!  Have a blessed day!

Because of Jesus,


  1. Anonymous3/24/2011

    OMG! I had forgotten all about SPOONS! We did that to everyone for a whole summer. Another great memory, CJ!

  2. Anonymous3/24/2011

    WHO COULD FORGET ABOUT SPOONS?!?! This movie is so Awesome I love it! Thanks carl, needed that.Oh man we got PK soooo gewd!!! lolol

  3. Anonymous3/24/2011

    Extreeeeeeeeme!!!!! Comin' atchu like a whirlwiiind!!!!! WOOOO!

  4. Anonymous3/24/2011

    Toby rocks! That is all.

  5. Anonymous3/25/2011

    Christine says she did not take it. We just watch the clip she does remember watching it with the youth. Great clip!! I will have to watch that movie someday!! Loved the Quaker history as well. Thanks for sharing! Joanne

  6. Tell Christine I am sorry for accusing her- I just remembered that she always wanted to watch the movie! Thanks again for reading along.


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