
Saturday, February 19, 2011

Saturday Shout Outs! (Everyone's Pregnant Edition)

It's hard to believe it has already been 2 weeks, but here we are at another edition of Saturday Shout Outs!  I hope you all had a happy Valentine's Day, a great State Fair Day (Tampa), a killer Rodeo Day (Kissimmee) and that you are looking ahead to President's Day (most everywhere else!).  Here's what I'm shouting about this week!
  • If you are female and were a part of the FUMC-Kissimmee youth ministry between 1994 and 2000, then be careful.  We have an outright epidemic of pregnancies!  Here are the ones I know about: Jill Souther O'Brien, Erica Souther Davis, Jennifer Minnigan Kuramochi, Erin Augenblick Shannon, Lindsey Joiner Bennett and one more I am not at liberty to identify yet.  I'd say there is something in the water in Kissimmee, but NONE of these ladies still live there.  Please keep all of these dear friends in your prayers- and if you know of others, please let me know!
  • I continue to have great interaction with Brook Teoli Elaine (FUMC-K) and Ashley Goad Broadhurst (Springfield Friends Meeting) via Twitter.  I also hear from Caitlin Esry (FUMC-K), Jamie Robinson (Springfield), Connor Lewis (FUMC-K) and a few others.  We'd love to have you join in the fun. If you are on Twitter, follow me @Youthguy07.  And you guys would love many of the over 800 people currently following me- it's turning in to another family of faith!  Lots of people with big hearts for Jesus...
  • Cyndi Reep Browning and Teresa Reep Tysinger (FUMC-K) turned 30 on January 29.  I don't really have a point here, I just wanted to type that sentence!  :)
  • My new friend Jason Huffman wrote a great blog post the other day about one of the most common questions asked of youth pastors.  The question is, "What do you do all day?"  How many of you remember asking me that one?  Check out Jason's blog at  The funny part is NOW that would be a legitimate question to ask me...
  • If any of you are coming down to Disney anytime soon, let us know.  We'd love to meet you over that way if we can.
  • Ann Hale (Springfield) and I had a Twitterfest last night using lines from Ferris Bueller's Day Off.  I love the movie, but still think Ferris treats Cameron like dirt.  "Let my Cameron go..."
  • Will has passed his tests and gets his permit next week.  You know, the one that lets him DRIVE!  Pray.  Pray hard!
That's it for today.  Hope you all have a wonderful weekend.  Be sure to come back tomorrow and learn why "if the phone doesn't ring, it's me..."

Because of Jesus,


  1. Anonymous2/19/2011

    Regarding the FUMC rash of pregnancies I was thinking the same thing! Ha! Like I told Erin, we'll all have to get together and trade war stories like vets at the VFW and compare scars.

    - Jen aka Bob

  2. Jen, Marilyn and I both feel that comparing scars could be a bit iffy- espeically since anyone with a C-section has an unfair advantage! :)

  3. Good news on the pregnancy front, everyone. Ben Thompson wrote Marilyn on Facebook from Afghanistan and assured her that he is NOT with child. We can all breathe easier...


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