
Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Reclaiming the Mission Trip

A View of Tijuana
The spring of 2001 found me preparing a team for our spring break mission trip that the Union Church of Hinsdale had long called Work Tour.  It would be my second such trip, having accompanied the group to Dungannon, VA in March of 2000, just after my arrival in Illinois.  David Knecht and I had found a mission site that we were very excited about at an orphanage just south of Tijuana, Mexico.  It would be an international site, which would excite the students we served.  It would give us opportunities to use our construction skills and accomplish concrete goals, which had been the history of the trip.  And it would give us the opportunity to minister in the name of Jesus to real people.  That aspect of the trip was going to be a little different for the team.

In fact, my primary goal for Work Tour 2001 was to help the wealthy and upper-middle class students of Hinsdale see what Jesus looked like through the eyes of those facing unbearable poverty.  We would eat, play and worship with the kids of the orphanage several times each day.  We would go out into rural northern Mexico and do a Vacation Bible School for the children of one small community.  My youth would be forced into situations where they would not just build walls or paint buildings- those things were in their comfort zones.  They were going to have to talk about Jesus- in SPANISH- with people who were hurting and seeking God's grace.  It was going to be legend- wait for it- ary!!!

Next Monday & Wednesday I will tell you some stories from what would turn out to be my final Work Tour.  You will hear tales of amazing Mexican children who had memorized entire chapters of scripture- in 2 languages!  You will hear of hot peppers, sandy beaches and real tacos.  I will tell you of my experience leading music in Spanish- a language I do not speak.  And most importantly, I will share with you some amazing moments of youth encountering Jesus in ways they never expected.  I hope you'll be here.  Come back tomorrow for a little redeeming music from Jars of Clay.

Because of Jesus,

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous1/12/2011

    Soounds like an amazing trip! How come you never took the Springfield group to Mexico? Gosh Carl, I feel cheated! - JB


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