
Sunday, January 2, 2011

Am I Part of the Problem?

I've been writing a lot lately, and yesterday I really poured my soul into a post about a Jesus revolution.  So today I want to leave you with two quotes and a question, and then leave it up to my readers to fill in the blanks- or not.  Tomorrow we resume the story of my life in student ministry, returing to Hinsdale, IL in 2001.

Quote #1-  I have used this on my blog before because I think it says so much.  When asked his opinion of Jesus and Christianity, Gandhi once said, "I like your Christ.  I do not like your Christians.  They are so unlike your Christ."  I often wonder if that is how many outside of the church feel about us.  If we are not loving people no matter their flaws or their failures, then we are not showing the world who Jesus really is.

Quote #2- Micheal McKean, best known for his role as Lenny on Laverne & Shirley and as the lead singer of Spinal Tap, retweeted this message from comedian John Fugelsang the other day:   "I view Jesus the way I view Elvis - I love the guy, but a lot of the fan clubs freak me out..."   I laughed, but it also made me think.  If I wasn't already a Christian and heard the words and thoughts of some of the people who speak most loudly about the faith, I am not sure how interested I would be.  These "fan clubs" can indeed be a little freaky...

So here's my question.  Does my life, even with all of my faults and failures, show the people I encounter each day the real Jesus?  Or am I part of the problem?  It's a question we must all answer for ourselves.  Have a blessed Sabbath.

Because of Jesus,


  1. Anonymous1/03/2011

    Glad to hear Marilyn and Will returned safely and that 2011 is off to a good start for you guys! I love the new design and can't wait to see what you have to say this year!! :)

  2. Thanks Lauren! Hope you guys have a great 2011 and that we can get together again soon. You are the best!

  3. (okay, this is the third time I have typed this response...God is testing my patience!). As I wrote before, I LOVE the Ghandi quote!!!! Infact, I do believe I am going to have to "borrow" it!!! It is so true and the very complaint I hear from the "unbelievers" in my household. They will say to me, "So and so claims to be a Christian yet says (or does) not nice things to me (or bullies others). What a hypocrite!". Yikes! My heart's desire and prayer is to exemplify Christ in my life.

    I really enjoy your blog and feel it is not only entertaining but also God honoring! Thank you for sharing!


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