
Friday, December 31, 2010

My Heroes

Happy New Year's Eve!  I am certain that the year 2010 has had many heroes in the areas of politics, sports, entertainment and public service.  But this is my blog, and this is MY list!  These are some of the people who were heroic in my life this year.  And it's been a really good year...
  • Any list of my heroes must begin with my amazing wife, Marilyn.  She is the backbone of our family in so many ways- financially, spiritually and emotionally.  I am so thankful that God looked down on me almost 30 years ago and thought, "He is going to need someone special; better send Marilyn his way."  I am so blessed.
  • Likewise, my son Will is my hero.  He puts up with my lame humor and our occasional lack of resources with a loving spirit and a great heart.  He does all of this while being 15 and somehow avoiding being obnoxious!  I could not have asked for a better kid.
  • Jerry Hanbery.  You cannot be a better friend to anyone than Jerry has been to me.
  • So many of you have helped make this blog so much fun for me in 2010, and all of you who read and send me notes and comments on a regular basis are my heroes.  But there are 2 old friends- Meagan Hill Halquist and Brook Teoli Elaine- who have supported and encouraged me in ways even they don't understand.  I always know that no matter what else is going on, I have 2 readers.  Thanks, ladies!
  • Todd & Kristin Willis have lifted me in ways I cannot even begin to explain.  It is often said that true friends are the people who know the worst things about you and love you anyway.  That applies to many of you, but it has been especially true with Todd.  His efforts have been heroic in small but marvelous ways.  His old buddy Jocelyn Sessions Ward has also been a wonderful inspiration to Marilyn and I this year.
  • Rick Bundschuh and Ken McCoy got me re-involved in ministry through writing this year. Thanks guys.  You'll never know how much that meant to me.
  • This year I have been honored to visit with Ken Hill, Jennifer Minnigan Kuramochi, Lisa Kraus Spires, Jeremy Godwin, Caitlin Esry, Bethany Esry, Julia Pribyl and Lauren Carr Cacciatore.  It is not always easy to see me these days, because you pretty much have to come to Tampa to do it.  Their efforts to get together with us have been heroic, and I cannot express how much it meant to me to see them.
  • As I mentioned earlier, there are so many people who make writing this blog everyday an exercise in great joy.  Comments from very old friends like Ashely Goad BroadhurstCharles Freedle and Jamie Robinson and Connor Lewis always encourage me.  So many different friends from my FUMC-Kissimmee family bring me joy each week.  It's been great to keep up with births and weddings and other special occasions.  But I close this list of heroes with one of my oldest friends, Susan McBane Tuggle.  She and I worked together at Quaker Lake back in late 70's, and she has made a number of comments on the blog over the past year.  She has been fighting breast cancer for the past few months and doing it with a faith and an attitude that is nothing short of heroic.  Boom-Boom, you are my hero, and I love ya.
That's my list for 2010.  It is only a partial list, but I hope all of you who been part of my life this year know how special you to me.  I wish for you all a blessed 2011.  Come back tomorrow to get started right.  It's not about resolutions- it's about a revolution!

Because of Jesus,


  1. I was remiss not to mention Hal and Joanne Gastler and their support of this blog and Marilyn and I. You guys should have made the list of heroes, and I apologize. -cj

  2. Wow, thanks for the shout out. I do thoroughly enjoy reading and will continue to do so in 2011! Happy New Year!

  3. Oh, I am so honored!! Just catching up as Hal took the computer to Tampa. The blog is a blocked site on m work laptop. Today i am using Christine's laptop as I am snowed in!!! Well only 6 inches but a good day to be lazy with some great reading! I Really in joy reading the blog!!! Love the video's!! The Veggie Tail was great - I am going to have to get that movie to watch!!! And the songs always reach out. Keep on writing!!! I will be all caught up today!!! I do love to see Marilyn's facebook post each day as well. I have that on my phone just hard to read the blog on my phone!!! Keep up the great writing!! God Bless and Happy New Year! Joanne


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