
Tuesday, November 23, 2010

New York State of Mind

Capturing the essence of the more than one dozen New York trips that I took with youth is pretty much an impossible task.  The people, the hotels, the restaurants, the sight-seeing stops, the plays and so many other things would take months to write about.  But pictures- pictures can capture the feeling much faster and with more clarity. Whether you went with me from New Garden Friends, Springfield Friends, FUMC-Kissimmee or Wesley Memorial UMC- you will see friends here.   So today, as we continue to celebrate those trips, I give you a story in pictures, with music by the fabulous Mr. William Joel- whom we once ran into on the streets of Manhattan.  As always, if this triggers memories for you, I'd love to hear them.  These were shared adventures by the family of God, and they belong to us all- in Jesus' name. 

 I'll finish my New York memories for this week tomorrow as I watch the video from NYC with the FUMC-K gang in 1998 and blog my thoughts.  Join me!

For everyone who ever went with me to New York, this is for you...


  1. Thanks for making me smile this morning! Loved it!

  2. It is a great day anytime I can make you smile, Lisa! Hope the rest of you are smiling too!

  3. Anonymous11/23/2010

    I'd fly to New York right now just for a cup of Ooh La La hot chocolate!
    I have so many wonderful memories of those awesome trips. Thanks for sharing.

  4. Ooh-La-La is one of my favorite memories. I used to go twice each morning- once by myself and once with the rest of the group. Sooooo good! Thanks Jill!

  5. Anonymous11/23/2010

    Does anyone else remember The Stage Deli? Those sandwiches were HUGE!!!

  6. I loved the sandwiches and cheesecakes at The Stage Deli- cannot believe I had not mentioned it yet! I promise you a picture from there on Thanksgivng Day! :)

  7. My Mom just reminded me of a story from the year she went with us to NYC. We bagged up the substantial leftovers from Carmines and went in search of some homeless people and gave it all away. For a few minutes we were Jesus with skin in NYC. A great memory- thanks Mom!

  8. Anonymous11/25/2010

    I knew I should have scanned one of the Screech pictures for you when you said you were making a slide show of NY trips!! I remember sitting in a rest stop (in Delaware, I think) and you were unable to keep the Faith Daniels show news to yourself anymore.... - Susan


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