
Saturday, October 2, 2010

Saturday Shout Outs!

Welcome to another edition of Saturday Shout Outs!  Before we begin today, I want to ask for some help with an article I am writing.   If you were ever in one of my youth groups, and you are currently involved in a ministry of your own (teaching Sunday School, helping with children or youth, helping with a Bible study, serving on a committee- anything!) then I would like to know. Please leave a comment here or e-mail me.   Thanks in advance!  Now on with the shouting:
  • Jennifer (Bob) Minnigan Kuramochi (FUMC-K) called me Thursday to alert me to a story in our local paper.  It seems that Idlewild Baptist Church, a HUGE church out in our end of Tampa, had been sued by a former youth.  He had broken his leg on a ski trip 7 years ago, and his family was asserting that Idlewild had not provided proper supervision.  He won his case, and the church must pay him $4.75 million.  Yes you read that right- MILLION.  Bob called to say that she would be suing me for her unsupervised "horseplay" that fractured her arm on a ski trip back in the Kissimmee days.  Given that I have not worked in over 3 years, we settled on $1.75.  NO millions.  I have no word yet on if she will also name Connor Lewis as a defendant...
  • My old friend Brent Bill wrote about this test you can take to determine what faith you should be.  It's called Belief-O-Matic and here is the description they give of their own test:   Even if YOU don't know what faith you are, Belief-O-Matic knows. Answer 20 questions about your concept of God, the afterlife, human nature, and more, and Belief-O-Matic™ will tell you what religion (if any) you practice...or ought to consider practicing.   Click on the link above and take the test.  I scored 100% Orthodox Quaker.  Which would be fine, except Quakers have no orthodoxy, so there is really no such thing.  Still, it was very entertaining!
  • Susan Allen (Quaker Lake) chimed in with thoughts about my Pot Sink post:  "I had almost successfully repressed all memories of time spent in the QLC pot sink until Carl revisited that dingy place on the blog!  Carl's blog has definitely brought back some memories, but other than the feeling of losing the fight and knowing that you are doomed to end up either in the pot sink or the lake, the vast majority of the memories have been great ones!"  I am pretty sure the pot sink has no fond memories for anyone...who was in it!
  • Bethany Esry, you had lots of company in not knowing much about what was going on in 1999 at FUMC-K.  And somewhere I have a picture of you with the lipstick all over your face after loosing at Spoons- and I will find it! 
  • Thanks to Hal Gastler (Wesley Memorial) for reminding me how often his daughter Christine yelled at me for not singing the verses to Sometimes By Step (O God You are my God)Lisa Kraus Spires wrote me that she wasn't sure she had ever even heard the verses.  I guess we should have tried them more often, but they are tough for group singing.
  • A while back I did a video to James Ward's Holy Books and posted it to YouTube as a way for families to learn to rap the books of the Bible.  Much to my surprise, it has over 700 hits so far.  If you have kids, you might want to check it out as a fun learning tool at  G-G-G-Genesis...
  • Joanna Lewis (Connor's mom), Catilin Esry and a few others were glad to know that they were not the only ones who noticed the fake tears in the pulpit from The Pastor Who Shall Not Be Named...
  • And finally, a really cool story.  A guy named Lance had a Songs & Creations Book and came across the great song (and Kissimmee favorite!) Radical Man.  He had the words and chords, but didn't know the tune.  You may remember I blogged about that song a while back (click here) and when he googled the title, this blog came up.  He e-mailed me to ask me if I knew where he could hear the song.  I didn't, but after some discussion I recorded it as a Windows Media file and e-mailed it to him.  He heard it, loved it, and can't wait to sing it.  God truly does work is mysterious ways.  And I keep finding new ways to stay in ministry!  If you would like your very own copy of me singing Radical Man (sorry, no "Beefy Cheesy") just ask- I'll e-mail it to you!
That's it for now!  Thanks for reading, and hurry back.  I'm here every day...

Because of Jesus,

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous10/02/2010

    No beefy cheesy? Then what is the point? :)


Thanks for reading,and thanks for your comment!