
Sunday, July 11, 2010

Romans 5:6-8

Important Reminder:  Today is July 11, or 7/11 on your calendar.  That means that it is the day to get your free 7.11 ounce SLURPEE from your local 7-11 Store!!!  You must go get one for each member of your family; it is a moral imperative!  And besides, Andrew Rogers would want you to...

As we begin today, I would like to mention a few prayer requests for my old Kissimmee friends.  Ben Thompson just arrived in Afghanistan last week, so keep him in your prayers.  He e-mailed me from the desert, and if you would like his e-mail address then just shoot me one at and I will send you Ben's.  My lovely wife also tells me that it sounds like from her Facebook posts the Catie Cook will also be deployed soon, so remember her as well.  Brian and Jill Painter Watson are in Russia, hoping to pick up their second adopted son, and they could certainly use our prayer support.  And Sara Thacker Reiter and Meagan Hill Halquist are both doing well in the early stages of their first pregnancies, so hold them in the Light.  Please let me know if there is anything I can be praying for in your life.  It is so great to be a part of the family of God!

I talk a lot on this blog about God's amazing love and forgiveness.  Today I want to share two verses from Romans 5:6-8 that help remind us just what grace really is:

You see, at just the right time, while we were still powerless, Christ died for the ungodly.  Very rarely will anyone die for a righteous man, though for a good man someone might possibly dare to die.  But God demonstrates His own love for us in this; While we were still sinners Christ died for us.

Jesus came to save the lost.  He doesn't require us to "get found" before He takes us in His arms.  He died for the ungodly; He died for sinners;  HE DIED FOR US!  Do not beat yourself up for the sin in your life, even as you seek to get rid of it.  God knows it is there, and He loves us anyway.  Confess your sins, repent (turn away from) of your sins and know that we are loved by a God who forgives and forgets.  Quit worrying about how badly you have messed up, and start serving God and loving people.  We can't be perfect; trust me, I know what I am talking about here!  Surrender to Jesus and be free of your baggage.  Because we do have work to do.  The old song We Are the Family of God reminds us of our task:  "He brought us together to be one in Him, that we might bring Light to the world..."   It is time for each of us to let our lights SHINE!!!  Have a wonderful week!

Because of Jesus,


  1. Anonymous7/11/2010

    "shine, let them wonder what you've got....let them wish they were not on the outside looking in......." Thank you Jesus and wonderful lyrics from the Newsboys

  2. Anonymous7/11/2010

    Thanks for remembering us during this special but stressful time, and thanks for reminding us that God is always in control. Brian and Jill

  3. We will be praying tonight as you go to court, Jill and Brian. May the peace of Christ be with you!


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