
Tuesday, July 20, 2010


CHARACTER WEEK continues today with a look back at James Fry (pictured; he's on the right, Tommy Weaver is on the left), one of the most memorable characters who was ever a part of any of my student ministries.  James and his entire family- parents Jim & Karen, and brothers Jason & Josh- were a huge part of what we accomplished in Kissimmee, and Marilyn and I love them all.  But James was the very definition of a character, and I would suspect everyone who was around in those days has stories to tell.  Today I will tell mine!

My first memory of James was on the Mid-High Mission Trip to Orlando my first summer at FUMC-K (1994).  James was a new 6th grader, and I wasn't quite sure what to make of him.  He seemed a little disinterested at first, and I was afraid he was going to be one of those students who never quite fit in.  It was a bit later on, playing a "name game" at a Wednesday Night Live, when he established himself as a force to be reckoned with in our youth group.  We were going around the circle and having everyone say their name before the game began, and when it was his turn to say his name, James said "Chico."  We all laughed, but he informed us that he wanted to be called Chico- so we did.  Forever.  From that point forward, Chico became a very important part of our ministry.  He was no longer just "there"- he was somebody.  And the memorable moments began to flow...

He used to do this sound effect thing, where he would press the fingertips of both hands together and then pull his hands apart like he was pulling a rubber band, and he would say "TWAAAAAAA!"  Before long he had us all doing it, though we really had no idea why!  We were playing the game TABOO one Wednesday night, and Chico was trying to get his team to guess "Julius Caesar."  His first clue was "the salad dressing dude!"  He had a thing for salad dressings.  On our way to a Kyoto's Night the folks in the van I was driving were discussing how much we loved the Ginger Dressing they put on salads there.  Chico suddenly announced, "I hate the French."  When asked why, he answered simply "because their salad dressing is nasty!"  While at Kyoto's one night, someone challenged him to eat a whole container of Wasabi, and he did.  He drank gallons of liquid trying to calm down the heat, but he turned bright red and I am certain there was smoke coming out of his ears!  Every place we went, every trip we took that he was a part of, Chico was the man when it came to entertainment.  And we all loved him.

James Fry passed away in a tragic accident in Kissimmee on January 23, 2009.  His post high school years had not always been easy, and I had not had much contact with him over those years.  I know he is missed by his family and friends, and I know that James Fry died too soon.  But I also know this- Chico will live forever in our hearts and our memories.  No collection of stories about those wonderful years would have been complete without remembering Chico.  And I suspect that up in heaven, Saint Peter is standing next to the Pearly Gates still trying to figure out why he is still pulling his hands apart every few minutes and saying "TWAAAAAAA!"  for no apparent reason.  I know why- because no one forgets Chico.

Because of Jesus,


  1. I laughed out loud at this post....because I have such fond memories of Chico. He was such an accepting person - because all he wanted was for people to accept him. The kind of person who silently holds an entire youth group together.

  2. Well said, Teresa. We were fortunate enough to have a number of sweet souls who held us together in those days, and James was certainly one of them.

  3. Anonymous7/21/2010

    I don't know you or any of the people you write about, but I read your blog everyday- just wishing I had been part of such a group. I hope you all know how lucky you were to have these kinds of relationships in your lives as teenagers. God bless!
    Craig Stafford- Butte, Montana


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