
Thursday, June 10, 2010

CCM Thursdays: SLINKY!

It was at a National Youth Workers Convention in the late 1990's that I first discovered the singing duo Lost And Found (that is the correct form; no lower case "a" and  no ampersand).  I heard them sing one song (Hearts On Fire) and then introduce themselves- and I was hooked.  Michael Bridges opened by saying, "Hello.  We are Lost And Found.  My name is Michael and George's name is Baum.  And the answer to your question is YES- we are supposed to sound like that."  With George on electric piano, Michael on guitar and both of them on vocals they did have a very unique sound.   By the time they had finished the set with their incredible song Lions, I was hooked.  I bought a couple of CD's (Speedwood I and II) and began learning to play Lions. It became a song we loved to sing at youth group. I also contacted their management and began to try and bring them to FUMC-K for a concert.  They came and played for us on July 16th, 1999 (my son Will's 4th birthday!) as part of our Rec Around the Clock to wrap up Youth Week.   They were a huge hit with our youth and adults.  They had to fly to their next concert, so they left their van at our house for a week.  I felt like a street vendor, as youth kept stopping by wanting to purchase CD's from the van.  It was awesome how connected our students felt to them. The gang especially loved their albums THIS and Speedwood III  (For any of you there who may have a copy of Speedwood III with the song Used To Be on it, it is a collector's item- that song is no longer available on any Lost And Found CD...).  When they returned to pick up the van, I got to spend several hours with Michael at the airport waiting on George, and I was amazed at his insights into faith, being a Christ-follower and Christian music.  I believe they are one of the few bands around that still understands that music for youth ministry should involve both songs of faith (Convinced, Baby, Cling To the Cross, New Creation) and songs of fun (Slide Girl, Hi At Hotel, Saskatchewan)- and that describes every Lost And Found concert. 

In their John Lennon Song Writing Contest award winning song Lions, George plays the slinky.  You can see and hear this in the video below, but it is tradition for everyone in the audience to yell SLINKY! each time George plays.  As I mentioned, we loved singing the song at youth, and in early 2000 we decided to do it as a part of my final Youth Sunday in Kissimmee.  I wanted to make this a memorable morning worship at FUMC-K, so I went to an Orlando novelty warehouse and purchased 300 plastic Slinky toys.  They were waiting in the pews when the congregation arrived that morning, and we had everyone from ages 2-80 singing and playing the slinky at three different worship services that day.  It was a great way to go out.

I would have several more experiences with Lost And Found after leaving Kissimmee; those stories will be told at a later date.  But I do want to share one more thing about the song Lions.  At the darkest point of my life, when everything seemed to falling apart, the words to this amazing song often kept my soul afloat.  I hope that when things grow bleak for you, the truth in these lyrics will illuminate the darkness:

Satan prowls like a roaring lion, seeking whom he will devour
I know that though he keeps on trying, he's no match for Jesus' power, baby!
Oh them lions they can eat my body but they can't swallow my soul (no, no, no)
They keep on trying to crash my party but they can't get control, no no

George and Michael are still out on the road singing songs of faith and fun, and if you ever get a chance to see them, GO!  You can learn more abut them by visiting  Enjoy the Lions video, and be sure to check back here tomorrow to read about a man who literally gave the shirt off of his back for the good of our group! 

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous6/10/2010

    Music with our youth group was always fun, and always a very powerful part of worship. It always amazed me how you could go from one extreme to the other and take the entire group with you. Thanks for all you did for us. Slinky!



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