
Thursday, June 17, 2010

CCM Thursday: Hands and Feet

One of the bands that we were very fond of during my years in Kissimmee (and Hinsdale, Tampa and Waycross) was Audio Adrenaline Audio A was a band that made consistently good music for over a decade (they have three albums on my Top 50 Countdown) and never disappointed in concert.  Over the years I was with groups that saw them live at various locations, such as Night of Joy, Carpenter's Home Church and a high school auditorium in West Virginia.  We often sang their songs Big House and Get Down as part of our student ministries.  We used videos from several of their songs, including Some Kind of Zombie and Never Gonna' Be As Big As Jesus to kick start discussions.  I used the song BLITZ  (14 kids in an old church van...) as our theme for the summer of 1999.  And their incredible call to missions, Hands and Feet, was a favorite song used to promote our mission trips.  I was so blessed to take groups all over the place in the name of Jesus, from Nashville to Mexico, and Hands and Feet was often used to kick-off such trips.  Their commitment to making music to challenge youth to live a Christ-filled life was always a great help and inspiration to me.

Audio A also always seemed to have a handle on issues that could get students talking.  No song was better for that than Hands and Feet (see video).  The song is all about how we are the hands and feet of God in this world we live in.  In a world where we are told to "look out for number one" and to "do what make you happy,"  Hands and Feet is a call to remember that we are third.  "The LORD is first, my friends are second, and I am third" is a mantra I have tried to live by, even though just like everyone else I often fail.  The lyrics cry out to God that the singer will "go where You send me."  We so often try to make our service to God something we choose or create, and then we pray that God will bless it.  I am reminded of the story of Ananias in the book of Acts.  God comes to this newly converted Christ-follower and tells him to go visit Saul of Tarsus.  Saul was a noted killer of such converts, and going to see him made little sense to Ananias.  But God called, and Ananias went- and Saul became Paul, perhaps the greatest Christian in history.  We, as the church universal, need to find places where God is working, and GO join Him in those ministries.  As Christ Tomlin wrote, "Not to us, but to Your name be the glory..."

I hope you will be inspired by the Hands and Feet video to get out there and join God in His plan to save the world.  We are all a part of God's Plan A, and there is no Plan B.  I guess that makes us the real A-Team...  Have a blessed day!!!

1 comment:

  1. I have been thinking about missions a lot lately (...infact I just blogged about it on the 14th. :) Thank you for the little extra push to encourage me to pray about it (since I should have been but haven't been). I would love to get my kiddos started on doing mission trips. :)


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