
Sunday, May 2, 2010

The Best Worst Week Ever!

Back Row (from left to right):  Ben Thacker, Matt Wheeler, Brad Watson, Hamp Sessions, Jason Ashcraft, Brian Watson, Matt Schmidt, Scott Burlison, Todd Willis.
Front Row:  Jocelyn Sessions, Laura Drapkin, Lisa Kraus, Jill Painter

There was only one upcoming event already on the books when I arrived at the First United Methodist Church of Kissimmee in April of 1994, and that was the summer mission trip.  Andrew Lewis, knowing that you have to do such things well in advance of summer, had signed us up to go to Mountain Top, a well-known and highly respected mission camp in the mountains of Tennessee (Note:  I do not remember why Andrew did not accompany us on this trip, but I do know he caught grief about it for years afterwards!).  In fact, the camp was so famous that no less than Amy Grant had written it's theme song!  There we would work in rural areas, doing the work of Jesus among the poorest of the poor.  It seemed like a wonderful opportunity to serve.

There was one major disappointment for the the team (pictured at top) before we ever left Kissimmee.  Mountain Top had two different types of mission camps.  One group went to the homes of people in the region and did light repair work, painting and other things traditionally associated with church mission trips.  The other group would work on doing a Vacation Bible School type program for children of the area.  We thought we we signed up for the former; we discovered we were actually part of the latter.  This disappointed some of the youth, especially the guys.  So our attitude took a hit before we ever got on the road.

Our team was quite interesting itself.  I was still very new, and didn't know some of the participants very well yet.  Myself and Jill Painter were the adults;  Brad Watson and Laura Drapkin were college students who were serving in leadership roles as well.  The youth were a mixed bag.  The two Matts, Brian and Todd were all getting ready for their senior year in high school, and were big buddies who had strong ideas what a mission trip should be.  Ben and Hamp were easy going guys who were just trying to fit in.  Jocelyn was close to most of the older guys and Hamp's sister.  Jason had moved to North Carolina the previous year, and was back to go on one last trip with his friends.  Lisa was young, but very involved in youth and excited to be going.  And Scott...well, Scott will get his own posting here later this week.  For now I'll just say that Scott was unlike anyone I had ever had in a youth group before...   This group needed to bond.  They needed to grow together.  A mission trip is a great way to build community...usually. 

As we headed out that was my prayer.  I wanted this to be the beginning of something great for this ministry.  And it would be.  But not in my wildest dreams could I have imagined HOW that would happen.  As Dr. Jill wrote to me just the other day, it was "the best worst week ever!"  I hope you will join me this week for some great stories about some wonderful people...and the Mountain Top staff.  Have a blessed Sunday!

Because of Jesus,

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