
Friday, April 30, 2010

Will Jones, Superstar!

Today I am taking a break from my regular blog activities to brag a little bit about our son Will, and ramble a bit about a few other things.  Will is pictured above (he's the big one!) with his cousin Ryder in NC last summer.  He is a great kid, who has been through a lot (6 moves in his first 11 years, among other things) and come out the other side just fine.  He has always been a great student and has won several awards and participated in many honors programs.  Yesterday we learned that a short story he wrote for a class at Sickles High School was entered in a creative writing contest- and won!  Will is going to be honored in May as the best 9th grade creative writer in all of Hillsborough County, FL.  The story was a cop story, written in a first person narrative, that his teacher actually thought was too creative to win.  I knew he was a gifted writer (he made a perfect score on his FCAT Writing Test last year); this just confirms it.  Marilyn and I are so proud of him for so many things.   This is just icing on the cake!  Congratulations Will; we love you!

This Sunday the family is headed to Orlando to see a couple of old friends.   After lunch with our buddy Jerry, we will be meeting our old friend Ken from Springfield Friends Meeting for dinner.  Ken is at Disney for a conference, and we are so excited to catch up with him.  We love catching up with old friends, and Will loves putting faces with all the names and stories he has heard over the years.

And finally, since I am rambling today, I can't let this post go by without mentioning the Tampa Bay Rays!  It is so exciting to have the best team in baseball right here in our backyard.  They are just hammering the American League right now, and with an all-star caliber player at most every position I don't see them slowing down much.  They are now 17-5.  Go Rays!

Tomorrow, I promise I'll get back to Hollywood and the recording studio.  Today had to be all about Will.  He is truly a blessing.  And Marilyn is not bad either...    :)  I thank God I have both of them in my life!

Because of Jesus,

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