
Monday, March 29, 2010


The Floridays 1993 adventure had one constant every day- our home base, Disney's Caribbean Beach Resort.  As I mentioned once before, the CBR had over 2,200 rooms divided into several "islands."  Each "island" had its own pool, beach and bus stop.  We were staying at Aruba (our pool is pictured at left.).  In addition to our the amenities on our "island," there was a central big pool, restaurants and marketplace at Old Port Royale.  We ate breakfast at the food court there most mornings before catching buses to whatever park we were visiting that day.  We also played on the cannons and the water slides at the pool there, and took advantage of the beach volleyball courts.  As a matter of fact, for a couple of our guys the volleyball courts became their favorite part of the trip- but that is another story for another time.  In any case, we were all very fond of our home at the CBR and in Aruba.  We could not have asked for more!

Early in the trip (I want to say on our return from Hoop-de-doo, but I am not certain) we were riding a crowded Disney bus back to to our resort.  As we entered CBR property, the bus began the long circle around the property that would end with Aruba as the final stop.  As with every day on one of our Disney trips, it had a been a long day and we were tired and a bit punchy- and I guess a little loud.  The bus driver became aware of us and asked over the intercom which stop the large group was getting off at.  Someone shouted back "Aruba," but he didn't hear it and so he asked again.  The details of what happened next are fuzzy, but somehow a group of us answered by yelling (in unison) "ARUUUUUUBAAAAAA!"  It sounded just like it is written- long, loud and a touch obnoxious.  The entire bus began to laugh,which only encouraged us to do more.  And so we did-  for the rest or the week.  Every time we arrived at the CBR gate, we began to let everyone know which "island" we belonged to!  It was one of those little things that became an important part of the memories of the trip.  I still have trouble saying Aruba like a normal person...

We never had any trouble getting the group into their comfy beds (see picture) once we reached Aruba.  The long, hot days were wearing us out. Even with group members choosing to break up the days by returning to the CBR and taking advantage of the pools, the beaches and nap time, I could see Black Thursday coming.   Some folks were getting a bit grumpy.  One person was actually getting tired of Walt Disney World.  One of the Holly Spring group was loosing it.  And I'm not talking about a youth...

Because of Jesus,

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