
Sunday, February 21, 2010

A Space Oddity

I wrote yesterday of how important it is to "be there" for students when you are in youth ministry.  I was reminded of another example of that very thing a few months ago when Marilyn has a Facebook conversation with another former Springfield youth, Jim Farlow.  In 1990 Jim and I attended a David Bowie concert in Chapel Hill, NC.  Jim was in high school and was a huge Bowie fan and needed an adult to drive him the the Hill, and so we went.  I vaguely remember going;  Jim reminded Marilyn that not only did we go, but that we took her brand new 1990 Miata, and that he remembered it as being a great night.  It was nothing special on my part, but to Jim, it was a big deal.  And something he retains fond memories of today.

The same could be said of showing up for football games, cheerleading competitions and band concerts.  The same could be said of hand written post cards and phone calls.  These things may not seem like a big deal to adults, but to youth they are huge. Often I would stop by the home of a student to discover my hand written post cards featured on the refrigerator or the wall of their room.   I remember visiting students at school for lunch and having them ask "What are you doing here?"  I would always answer "I am here to see you!"  Their smiles would say it all...

Youth ministry is 80% relationships (adults to student, student to student and Jesus to everyone!), 10% programs and 10% teaching, all wrapped in prayer.  I fear many youth ministries have forgotten that ratio and are far too focused on programs, missing chances to build relationships that will last a lifetime.  For me, every chance to build a relationship, even listening to Bowie sing A Space Oddity, was a chance not to be missed.  "This is ground control to Major Tom..."  Thanks, Jim.  I had a blast too!

Because of Jesus,

1 comment:

  1. CJ - You're so right! Relationship building is definitely one of the things I found that has helped my have a "lasting" impact on previous students' lives.


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