
Friday, February 12, 2010

Myrtle Beach Days

1988 at the Betsy B!

There are so many memories from each of the four Myrtle Beach trips I took with the youth of Springfield Friends Meeting.  The picture above is from the first one.  That's a much younger me standing in the blue shirt on the far left, with my wife Marilyn the very tanned one in front of me and to the right.  All of the smiles you see tell the story of what a great time we had- except, perhaps, for Todd Farlow, who in a search for romance woundup being used the entire week! 

I think I told the students on every trip I ever led that these were moments that should be cherished, because no one else would ever share in the same experiences with the same people in the same place.  Each trip was a one time deal.  And there is nothing that builds a group quite like a shared experience on a trip.  To everyone who ever shared in a trip with me, I say thanks for the memories.  It was the closeness we shared on these adventures that helped us journey together into the presence of God, and that helped us invite Jesus to walk the beach with us.  And that, in the end, is what we were there for in the first place.

Because of Jesus,


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