
Saturday, January 2, 2010

Tim Tebow

Let me begin by saying that when it comes to college football in Florida I am an agnostic.  I pull for the Gators sometimes; other times I root for the 'Noles.  I always hate Miami (and all Big Ten...I mean Eleven... teams and any team coached by Nick Saban...but that is for another time!)!  This post is not about a team or a university.  This is all about Timmy...

Last night Tim Tebow finished his career at UF by leading his team to victory.  He broke the BCS bowl game record for most total offense by one person in one game.  He was honored as one of the best student athletes in the country. And I am almost certain he directed the marching band at halftime!  For the past four years, Tim Tebow has been the face of college football.  He was part of two national championship teams and won a Heisman Trophy (He should have won two- in 2008 he took the Gators to the national title on sheer will.  That ought to be good for the trophy all by itself!).  Tim Tebow has been a superhero on the field (you know the joke- Superman wears Tim Tebow pajamas!) and in the class room.  There are few players I have ever enjoyed watching more than number 15.

But that's not all- or even most of it.  His faith has indeed moved mountains, raising money for orphans and leading mission trips (even taking his own coach) to foreign soil.  The scripture verses in his "eye black" are legendary.  He never fails to give praise to God, no matter the situation.  He has proclaimed his chastity as a tribute to God.  He has suffered ridicule because of his faith.  His life seems to be a living testimony to his faith in Jesus.

No one understands better than Tim that while he may know God, he is NOT God.  I am sure he cringes at jokes like this one: 
Q:  Why did God rest on the 7th day?
A:  So that Tim Tebow could check His work!
Much of the world seems to be pulling for Tim Tebow to fail.  They hope he doesn't make it in the NFL.  They seek (and Lord knows they have tried!) to find some major flaw in his character this will expose him as a hypocrite.  Few seem to believe that anyone can be this GOOD.  What Tim understands that so many do not (including Christians!) is this- he is not any different from you and I.  He is human, and weak, and he will fail.  But he trusts God with all his heart, and that is what makes him so strong.  The press may discover that he doesn't read his Bible everyday; they may hear him cussing on TV;  they may find out he had (GASP!) sex in college.  If that happens, people will freak out and scream about how Tim has let us all down.  Let them scream.  It would not change who he is; more importantly it will not change WHOSE he is.  Tim Tebow is, like King David, a man after God's own heart.  And I for one will miss him.  Thanks, Tim, for letting your life roar!

Because of Jesus,

1 comment:

  1. Ashley1/03/2010

    I haven't missed a Florida football game in 3 years... I have a slight obsession with Mr. Tebow. Thankfully, John is okay with that!


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