
Monday, January 25, 2010

Now the Truth Can Be Told!

Regular readers of this blog may recall that our Floridays 1990 adventure began with a trip from High Point, NC to Orlando that was nothing if not eventful!  Among the unusual occurrences was losing the Archdale Friends Meeting van driven by Jeff Byrd (for more info, click here).  Everyone who was on the trip remembers that part of the story.  Almost no one knows, as Paul Harvey would say, "the rest of the story!"

Jeff was a total wreck by the time he found the motel, and as the evening went along his condition did not get better.  Late that evening, after our group meeting and after everyone was heading to their rooms, two of Jeff's dear friends decided he needed to visit the motel bar.  I should state clearly at this point that North Carolina Quakers are, on the whole, quite opposed to the use of alcohol- so this trip had to be taken on the down-low.  The two friends told me of this plan, and I suppose I should have tried to stop them- although it would not have mattered.  You see, one of the friends was Tim Harding, our trip Pastor, who was looking out for our spiritual well-being during our stay in Orlando- and Jeff clearly needed some attention.  The other was my wife, Marilyn Jones, with whom it would have been pointless to argue, because I never win!  In any case they slipped off, had an adult beverage in Jeff's honor, and went on to have a wonderful week without anyone knowing.  The truth has been told (to the best of my memory!).

Years later I had two adult sponsors sneak off to drink beers at an Atlanta Braves game- and I caught them red-handed!  My point here is that I invited adults to work with my youth ministries because they had a heart for God and a heart for kids, not because I thought they were perfect.  Jeff, Tim and I were professional Christians, yet we still had our struggles.  Our walk with Jesus does not end because we have a late night drink or because the words we use when cut off in traffic might not be "church language."  It is only when we realize that God is with us at those times that we can be truly blown away by the grace of Jesus Christ.  As an example for youth, I'll take a struggling seeker over a "Jerk for Jesus" anytime!  I guess what I am trying to say is, to Jeff and Tim and Marilyn and all the other adults who over 28 years made my student ministry possible, thank you for being real with me and with the students we served.  It made a difference.

Because of Jesus,

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