
Sunday, November 8, 2009

Real Heroes

Thanks, Brook. You rock! 

We've been surrounded and battered by troubles, but we're not demoralized; we're not sure what to do, but we know that God knows what to do; we've been spiritually terrorized, but God hasn't left our side; we've been thrown down, but we haven't broken. What they did to Jesus, they do to us—trial and torture, mockery and murder; what Jesus did among them, He does in us—he lives! Our lives are at constant risk for Jesus' sake, which makes Jesus' life all the more evident in us. While we're going through the worst, you're getting in on the best!  -2 Corinthians 4, The Message

Today is the International Day of Prayer for the Persecuted Church.  Christians all over the world are being persecuted and martyred for their faith, in places as far away as China and as close by as Mexico.  As I mentioned in Friday's posting, this day (and this subject) is often ignored by the USAmerican church.  There are a number of reasons for this.  The subject of persecution is often sidelined because it is not "seeker-friendly." The trouble with that strategy is "...everyone who wants to lead a godly life in Christ Jesus will be persecuted..." (2 Timothy 3:12).   This scripture should give real pause to those of us who have no idea what it feels like to be persecuted for our beliefs.  Our brothers and sisters in Christ will meet in secret this Sabbath with the real possibly of being arrested or worse.  Many of us will complain if we have to walk too far from the parking lot.  We just don't get it.  Here is an example of what life is like for many Christians around the world, taken from the Voice of the Martyrs website: 

The Voice of the Martyrs has received reports of several attacks against Christians in India. On Oct. 25, four men entered the Assembly of God Church building in Old Hubli, Karnataka, during a worship service and started taking notes and photographing the worshipers. When the pastor's wife, Radha David, asked the men to sit quietly and listen to the sermon, they immediately left. A few minutes later, a group of about 50 Hindu extremists stormed into the church. They threatened the believers and dragged Pastor K. M. David Raj outside. The extremists burned Bibles, Christian literature and banners in front of the church building. Police arrested the pastor and three other believers. On the same day, more than 10 Hindus assaulted Pastor Pavithra Kumar, hitting him with fists, wooden rods and field hockey sticks. Though he was badly injured, Pastor Kumar escaped his assailants and ran into his church building. Pray these believers will keep their eyes on Jesus, will persevere in the faith, and will not grow weary or lose heart (Hebrews 12:3). Pray that those who seek to hinder the work of the Church in India will see the love and grace of Jesus in the lives of Indian Christians. We understand so little.

And yet is is in those very places where the Church of Jesus Christ is booming, where stories of faith dominate the lives of the people.  We in USAmerica have so few spiritual heroes (although they do exist- Jesus Freaks are everywhere!) because we must overcome so little.  Many of our churches will choose to honor our military veterans in their services today.  I have great respect for those who serve our country, even though I have great doubts about the institutions they serve.  Many of them are indeed heroic. But what do they, or my country in general, have to do with worshipping Jesus Christ?  The Son of God always trumps flag and country. (In a related thought- if I hear I'm Proud To Be An American one more time in a worship service, I may just forget I'm a pacifist...)   This morning I will visit a house of worship, and I want to worship Jesus.  I want to hear about those who are faithfully following and suffering for Him; I want to hear the stories of real Christian heroes from around the world. Hopefully I will, and you will too. This day is set aside for that very purpose, yet we we pass it by.  Tell me about some real, present day heroes of the faith. 

Why is this important?  Because we are all part of the Family of God.  Because at some point- maybe in my lifetime, maybe not- we are going to be the ones being persecuted.  Scripture promises us that in John 15:18-21.  Jesus tells us in the Beatitudes that the persecuted will be blessed.  We need to begin to understand now what it is like to be willing to suffer or die for Jesus.  There are examples all over the world. We need to know the stories of these Jesus Freaks, because we need role models.  We need to know how to trust Jesus with everything- including our very lives. The question is, are we taking a strong enough stand for Jesus that anyone would need or want to persecute us?  Today- right now- we need to pray for those who are taking such a stand..  You can find examples of those in need at and among others.  Read their stories. Pray for them.  And tell your church that this needs to be a big deal, a day your church family comes together to join in the church universal. 

In 1986 I was told by a little old lady to quit talking about Jesus because it offended her.  I was told that we taught religious education, not Christian education, so we wouldn't offend people.  I could have lost my job if I hadn't listened to those voices, so I kept much quieter than I should have.  A hint of suffering and I turned my back, at least partially, on my Savior. I am not alone.  God have mercy on us. 

1 comment:

  1. I can't believe I missed reading this! It is FANTASTIC... so well put!

    There have been many times I should have stood up stronger yet didn't! And, I sit here and kick myself for it. Then there are other times I did stand firm and seeming lost the love or respect of a few loved ones because of it. Though it felt like failure (I suppose because I feel something was lost) I just might be mistaken (because I cannot see the heart). Perhaps God is now working in the lives of those individuals and one day I will meet up with them (either here or in eternity) and they will be praising God! What a happy thought. :)

    A quote by Wayne Grudem (from his book SYSTEMATIC THEOLOGY comes to mind... I hope you will not mind me sharing it. Here he is addressing satan and demons however the part about Christian growth is why I thought of it). Grudem states, "...[T]hough the New Testament clearly recognizes the influence of demonic activity in the world, and even, as we shall see, upon the lives of believers, its primary focus regarding evangelism and Christian growth is on the choices and actions taken by people themselves (see also Gal. 5:16-26; Eph. 4:1-6:9; Col. 3:1-4:6, et al.) Similarly, this should be the primary focus of our efforts today when we strive to grow in holiness and faith and to overcome the sinful (desires) and actions that remain in our lives (cf. Rom. 6:1-23) and to overcome the temptations that come against us from an unbelieving world (1 Cor. 10:13)." (p.421).

    Though the world, like the little ol' lady you mentioned tell us to stop talking (or like the persecuted church, followers are hurt or killed) I pray this will not hinder those who know and love God and Jesus with their whole heart! :) I pray it will not hinder me when I should stand on the Rock instead of sinking sand. :)

    Thank you again for sharing your heart!


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