
Thursday, November 12, 2009

"Kicked In the Butt By Jesus"

Jocelyn Sessions, who was part of the youth group in Kissimmee and will someday be featured in a few dozen stories on this blog, used to tell me that she thought "Kicked In the Butt By Jesus" would be a great sermon title.  I never worked up the courage to use the title, but I certainly know the feeling...

In late July of 1986 I flew from Boston to Greensboro to finalize some wedding plans and to interview at Springfield Friends Meeting.  I still had no idea if I would seriously consider the position, but I assumed it couldn't hurt to interview.  I already knew the Pastor, Max Rees, and some of the people of the Meeting, so it was a very comfortable interview for me.  I also knew at least one other candidate, and I was certain he would get the job.  One thing I knew for sure- Springfield was hurting from the manner of Wallace's departure, and the youth of the Meeting were feeling dumped on.  It was not going to be an easy job.  I flew back to Boston less certain than ever of what the future held for Marilyn and I- and still praying for my burning bush or my singing angels!

Marilyn and I are both uncertain of the exact timing and order of events over the last few weeks before our wedding, but the following things definitely happened!  I survived my one and only session of New England Young Friends Yearly Meeting. The highlight was a "coffeehouse" with youth and adults where I knocked them dead with Blue Pick-Up Truck.  I remember precious little beyond that.  Either right before,during, or right after Yearly Meeting I received a call from Springfield offering me the job.  I was still uncertain about deserting the kids of New England, and about the current state of Springfield.  I told them I needed time.  My wedding date was just around the corner, and now I was uncertain where Marilyn and I would live.  I was panicked, and God didn't seem to be providing any answers.  Of course, God was speaking- I was just hard of hearing!

Days before I was to go back to NC for a week before our nuptials, I was sitting stuck in traffic on the Massachusetts Turnpike (Mass Pike to all you Yankees!) and wondering what I should do.  I was listening to a great classic rock station on my radio, and the Steve Miller Band song Jet Airliner began to play.  I was only half paying attention when I heard the words "touching down in New England town, feel the heat coming down..."  Hmmm.  It seemed like that ought to mean something to me, but I wasn't sure what.  I remember praying at that moment "God, if you have something to say, say it loud...I need to know what to do."  The next song- the very next song- was James Taylor singing Carolina In My MindBOOM! Kicked in the butt by Jesus!  Suddenly it was all so clear, as it should have been all along.  New England would not suffer without me, they would THRIVE with Chris Jorgensen!  Springfield was not a place I should avoid because of their troubles, it was a place that NEEDED me!  Marilyn could stay near her family; I could be back with mine; and all of our friends would be there to support us! God was sending me home!  The answer had been clear from the beginning- I just didn't listen.  It took James Taylor to set me straight.  I found my singing angels on FM radio!  Who knew?

Telling the good people of NEYM and worrying about moving and where we might live would all have to wait.  I had a wedding to attend...and you can read about that on Saturday.

Because of Jesus,

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