
Tuesday, October 6, 2009

The Big Five-0

It's finally here. The day so many dread. The day that inspired me to begin this blog so I could tell my stories before I got too old to remember them! The day that is anything but "nifty." Yes, dear readers, today is the day I turn 50.

As I have mentioned here before, age has never been a big deal to me. For many years I had a button on the bulletin boards in my various offices that read I'm not old, I'm a recycled teenager, and for the most part I still feel that way. Let's take a moment and look back at where I was on previous landmark birthdays and see what was happening in my life.

On my 16th birthday my parents threw a surprise party for me in the old Fellowship Hall at New Garden Friends Meeting, complete with with all my best friends, ice cream cake and a Hot Wheels car (because there was no way I was getting a real one!). I have no real memory of my 18th or 21st, but number 30 was a surprise party thrown as part of a Progressive Dinner with Springfield Friends Meeting. At the time 30 seemed very old, and that is when I received the aforementioned button. On my 40th birthday I started the day at 6 AM with a group of guys in Kissimmee- Nate Hill, Jacob Lupfer and Ben Thompson- at Denny's, where none of them knew (or remembered) it was my birthday. Which brings us to number 50...

As you can tell, for the most part birthdays are not a big deal to me, I think in part because my life has been so full of special moments and events. Some people only get to celebrate life on special occasions- most of my life has been a special occasion. So many friends, so many trips, so many memories- I have been very blessed. I wrote this past Sunday about such an event just last weekend. So today I will thank God for the "presents" that I receive every day of my life. I am thankful for His love, and the grace and forgiveness that comes through His Son Jesus. I am thankful for my incredible wife, without whom my life would be a total mess. I am thankful for my son Will, who keeps me young and makes me laugh. I am thankful for my Mom and for Marilyn's family who have stuck by me no matter what. And I am thankful for 50 years worth of friends and youth who have made my life amazing in so many ways.

Today I celebrate being 50 years old. My faith and my family are strong, and I look forward to a future that continues to be full of joy, laughter and love. My prayer today is that your lives will be as blessed as mine.

Because of Jesus,

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